Free Libraries for Every Soul

Long before the slogan ’Information wants to be Free’ was coined, the founder of the modern library Melvil Dewey (1851-1931) had a dream. He believed in ’Free Libraries for Every Soul’.

Hacker/cyber-librarian Marcell Mars, researcher Edwin Gardner and the association for arts and media Constant invite you to a 24h hackathon where we’ll work on shapes, platforms and production-workflows that facilitate free access to books. Graphic designers, hackers, interface-designers, librarians, independent bookpublishers, webdevelopers and programmers ... if you have skills and/or ideas related to DIY-printed matter, e-books, OCR, peer-to-peer libraries etc. please join us and contribute to a 21st century incarnation of Melvil Dewey’s dream!

Please sign up by sending an email to:
You can also join the Hackathon remotely.

(in the context of the IMPAKT Festival)

@ Kapitaal

Plompetorengracht 4, Utrecht (NL)