Facial recognition: how to avoid it?
Round table with Remy Farge (LDH - Ligue des droits humains), Peggy Pierrot (Tactic), Chloe Berthelemy (EDRi - European Digital Rights) and Corentin (Technopolice)
Recently, a data leak revealed the use by the Belgian police of Clearview AI’s facial recognition software. This controversial software allows the cross-checking of video surveillance images with the profiles of social network users.
In this context, the #ProtectMyFace campaign, launched by a group of associations, aims to ban facial recognition in the Brussels Region. For these associations, the deployment of these technologies is particularly harmful to our rights and freedoms. But what are these technologies? Why are they problematic? Why, among other things, do they make certain minority populations particularly vulnerable?
Every 2nd Monday of the month, these critical workshops propose to address topics related to the digital (e.g. algorithms, surveillance capitalism, ecological impacts, etc.) and to explore alternative ways of doing things (discovery of free and ethical tools, de-gluing of smartphones, protection of communications, etc.).
The workshops are organised by Constant’s partner, Tactic.
@ DK
Rue de Danemark 70b, 1060 Saint-Gilles
Denemarkenstraat 70b, 1060 Sint-Gillis