Cri de la Cage aux Ours

On Saturday 12th May performer Delphine Auby returns to the heart of Schaerbeek to shout messages of the inhabitants at Cage aux Ours/Berenkuil. Ten days previously to the shout, she will deposit mailboxes on the square, inviting people to post their messages for the neighbourhood, as well as a small nomad writing desk to help people write.
At La Cage aux Ours she will get the company of the students of the Institut Technique Cardinal Mercier, who will construct the mailboxes for her, create posters and slogans and compose messages with the words they own.

The performance is part of the project De Schaarbeekse Taal/La Langue Schaerbeekoise, realized in the framework of the wijkcontract/contrat de quartier Navez-Portaels, with the support of Gemeente Schaarbeek/Commune de Schaerbeek and Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.

@ Cage aux Ours/Berenkuil

Place Verboeckhoven plein, 1030 Schaerbeek / Schaarbeek