Cqrrelating Compositions & Party

Data can be analysed, correlated and cqrrelated, discussed, visualised, and sonorised.

During a live-coding concert Alexandra Cárdenas, a Colombian composer living in Berlin, will cqrrelate some of the data the artists in deBuren experimented with. Afterwards Belgian mathematician and musician Valery Vermeulen offers us a first listening of Krystall Ball, a composition on the base of econometric data, algorithms and models that shape the global financial industries. His sound waves will be taken on by dj’s and transformed in a steaming dance experience.

This evening is organised collaboration with CPDP.

@ Les Halles de Schaerbeek / Hallen van Schaarbeek

Rue Royale de Ste-Marie /Koninklijke St.-Mariastraat 22b, 1030 Brussels