Copyleft::Free Software: free introduction for the non profit sector

Constant member Nicolas Malevé participates in a training on free software by Cesep.

Are members of your team interested in - or already into free software? Come and find out how you can install free software in your organization
with only a short sharp and free training.

In one morning you will gain insight in the systematics and benefits of free software. We focus on the practical and ethical aspects.


Three groups of maximum 20 persons (Inscription required) around three

*Practical: how does it work? What is a free operating system? Test on
site on the available computers.

Ivan Tadic (CESEP), Laure Van Ranst (CESEP) and Pierre-Emmanuel Van Ranst (computer scientist).

*Concrete for an organization: Migration to Linux, what are the options and consequences?

Desiderio Gonzalez (CIDJ), Yan Lew (PAC) and Denis Devos (ACTIC).

*Ethical : why choose free software when you do not work commercially?

Miguel Quaremme (CIRE), Nicolas Pettiaux (APRIL) and Nicolas Malevé

Participation is free, includes lunch

More info + registration:

Christel Van Uytvinck

067/890 865 or e-mail:

CESEP – Chaussée de Charleroi 47, 1400 Nijvel

@ Brussel