Constant joins the Translocal Pipas Club

Moved by the intensification of the violence brought on Palestinian people by the state of Israel, and by the many mobilizations happening around us, Constant has reflected on different modes to engage with the current situation that could make our solidarity practical.

We started from our own impasse, being faced once again with how proprietary digital platforms are once again go-to places for information, organising, and the raising of voices in our geographical and social surroundings. This is dangerous because, as we have seen in mainstream social media, they will use their power to throttle and silence some voices and foreground others. We are also concerned with activism against apartheid having to depend on tech provided by the same companies that are directly involved in creating tech for apartheid.

We decided then to join forces with friends moved by similar urgencies to start the Translocal Pipas Club a thinking space on these an related issues, starting with an account on the instance of the Mastodon federated network, as a way to desinvest our energy from Google, AWS and others. 

@pipaswill share news, stories and events linked to the liberation of Palestine, and to other struggles too, with the special interests in figuring out what role computational infrastructures play in these struggles. You are very welcome to join the conversations!