Constant @ Journées du libre: Open source/Open course: Free Culture and Art Education

At the occasion of the yearly festival ’Journées du Libre’, Constant invited art- and design professors to discuss the way Free, Libre and Open Source Software and Open Content licenses function in the courses they are currently teaching. Why do they think Free Culture relevant for art education? What difference does using Open Source Software make? Where will they go next?

With amongst others:

Marc Wathieu, artist, teaches digital art at Erg (École de Recherche Graphique), Bruxelles and visual communication at HEAJ (Haute École Albert Jacquard), Namur

Loic Vanderstichelen, filmmaker, teaches infographics at the Ecole d’Art d’Uccle

Stéphane Noël, artist, teaches digital art at Erg (École de Recherche Graphique), Brussel and is active in the SPIP-community

Michel Cleempoel, artist, teaches digital art at ESAPV-Mons

Olivier di Stefano, teaches digital art at l’ESAPV-Mons

Martin Waroux, teaches digital art at l’ESAPV-Mons

Moderation: Femke Snelting

@ Maison des Cultures, Rue de Belgrade 120, Saint-Gilles

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