Workshop: Connecting Buttons

This workshop consists of further speculating and creating more prototypes for on and off buttons, customized for your body and connecting them to electronic devices. What kind of button would your brain, neurodiverse or otherwise, like to have made? What gesture does your hand/other body part want to do to activate something (technologically)? What material do you find pleasant? What shape should such a button have? What is the scale? What do you want the button to activate? Should it be practical, poetic or very personal? Should it activate your favourite music playlist, open something physical or turn off a myriad of possibilities?

This is the second workshop of two, the first edition took place in March 2024 and focused on prototyping. The second iteration will look at possibilities of connections and will take place in Zinneke, Place Masuiplein 13, 1000 Brussels.

On Thursday 13/06 from 13:00-17:00 we have the Button walk in Clinic, where you can prototype further, catalog the previously made on/off devices or bring a button that needs attention.
Friday 14/06 from 10:00-17:00 and Saturday 15/06 from 10:00-16:00 are reserved for connecting the buttons with electronics.

> Please sign up before 03/06/2024 by writing to:
> A vegetarian lunch and drinks are provided
> On Saturday we provide a multilingual childcare
> For more information on the accessibility of Zinneke, please go here:

Wendy Van Wynsberghe, Marie Verdeil and Raaf (Unbinare) ), together with the participants, will speculate on gestures, shapes, interfaces and scale of interactions, connecting them to bela’s, networks, Arduino like microprocessors. We try to do as much electronic reuse as possible. There will be prototyping materials, related to tactility, look and feel available. We team up and share skills.

In collaboration with Zinneke

Rubbing and pushing a possible button
Different gestures handling potential buttons, by touch, squeezing or pushing
Scrunching to activate

@ Zinneke

Place Masuiplein 13, 1000 Brussels