Compositing in Blender workshop
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10:00 -> 17:00 Workshop: "Compositing in Blender" in Libre Video Lab.
A workshop in Compositing in Blender.
Hosted by David Collignon and Vincent Gires.
(Vincent G. on BBUG: "I will start with a quick overview of the interface: create nodes, dots, frames and groupes etc.
Following we can see what basic nodes do and how to treat images with maths: what makes multiply / gain, gamma or or an addition to an image happan. What tool do we need to change the lighting ?
Once the basis is understood, we can talk about how to treat a scene. What rendering phases are needed and how to structure / assemble them ? Do you need separate shadows? etc.
After that we can go in detail: rotoscopy, masking of volumes, indexed ID etc.
Editors note: sorry for possible inaccurate translations: see frencharticle for original quote :-)
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Rue Gallait 80
1030 Schaarbeek Brussel