Walking with local stories

During the Yota study day "Speaking through space" which takes place March 27, Constant organises in collaboration with BEAM, a walk through Molenbeek / Laken, just behind the Tour & Taxis site. During this walk we will trace a few routes&routines
developed by local youth and kids. Where do they play and meet friends, how do they go to school? A few of them will speak in video, audio and foto"s collected during ’bouwspeelplaats’: a participatory project by Yota which took place at the ’terrain vague’ of T&T last summer

Yota aims to empower youth and children and enable them to participate in the urban design policy of their playgrounds, living area and achool terrains. By mappinghow young people move between these places, and how they experience them, Yota surfaces weaknesses, needs and potential of these places.
Last summer Yota organised ’building play ground’ at the site of Tour & taxis, encouraging youngsters to reclaim the terrain during 3 weeks, and to construct their own village / playground.

The children documented the project using video and photo-cameras, focusing on what they find important, agreable, or disturbing. This way we get closer to their spontanous and loose perspective on their surroundings and the way they experience their environment.
Departing from this material we will walk through their world for one and a half hours.

Walking guides: Wendy van Wynsberghe + Wauter Mannaert,

The walk is for adults, maximum 15 persons.

Departure: 13.30, GC Nekkersdal;


@ C.G. Nekkersdal. Bockstaellaan 107, 1020 Laken, Brussel