Authors of the future @ Copy Paste

Constant presenteert het project Authors of the future in de tentoonstelling Copy Paste die Antonio Roberts samenstelde als onderdeel van het Piksel festival in Noorwegen.
Als je Bergen mocht zijn op 6 juni: we doen een streaming presentatie om 18:00.

"If you are an artist, then you have no doubt copied the work of others. This copying can range from using pages from a magazine in collage, adopting the style of an artist, or simply being inspired by the work of an artist. This natural process of copying, taught to us at every stage of our artistic development, is burdened by a very complex and messy set of laws and social conventions which define and limit how we can use copying within our practices. These don’t take into account exceptions or nuances, and come from a historical world where artworks were scarce physical objects, and don’t translate well into a world where culture is abundant and can be accessed and copied at will."

Info over Authors of the Future:

@ Piksel Cyber Salon

Bergen + on-line