EMF Orchestra workshop

EMF Orchestra Workshop
Workshop leaders:
Peter Westenberg and Wendy van Wynsberghe, Constant vzw (art and media), Brussels

Participants: 15 (maximum)
Fee: 20 Euro (lunch and drinks will be provided)
Location: BALTAN Laboratories
Glaslaan 2, SWA-8
5616 LW Eindhoven
The Netherlands

June 30, 2010

A workshop in two parts led by Wendy Van Wynsberghe and Peter Westenberg, two core members of Constant, a Brussels-based organisation for art and media. During the first part participants will build their own EMF antennae that make electromagnetic fields audible.
After that participants will perform a collective urban intervention in the Eindhoven city centre.

* 10:00 - 13:00
Building EMF antennae.
The day will start off with a presentation and introduction to EMF to contextualise the walk and the workshop.
Then each participant builds his/her own antennae.
Materials will be provided.

* 14:00 - 17:00
EMF Orchestra: Collective performance in Eindhoven.
Experience the city as an electromagnetic audio landscape. Cars, wires, cables, street lights, security installations, and many other electronic devices saturate our urban environment with electromagnetic fields. Walking through the city, we will scan and make these fields audible. Dissonant harmonies will be improvised through the combination of different antennae.