Advanced Performance training: O b j e c t S c o r e N o t a t i o n

Tijdens het eerste trimester van 2008 nam Constant deel aan de
ontwikkeling van het programma van APT (Advanced Performance Training), een postgraduaat verbonden aan de Posthogeschool voor Podiumkunsten in DeSingel, Antwerpen.

Als onderdeel van dit programma, nodigde Constant de studenten en andere geïnteresseerden uit voor een reeks workshops rond notatiesystemen, schrijven en herschrijven, in aanwezigheid van Kirsty Stansfield en Simon Yuill.
(De werktaal was Engels, vandaar dat de rest van dit artikel in het Engels is).


Artists : Kirsty Stansfield and Simon Yuill

Participants : maximum of 12

Contribution to the costs : 20 euro

Registration : by e-mail to

No prior knowledge required



Goals and targets:

 exploring the relationship between software and performance notation

 creating notation from everyday objects, gestures and movements

 exploring the physical space as a notational canvas

 questioning collective authorship, versioning


The workshop will be based around a piece of software that tracks
movements via video camera. This translates movement into a form of
notation that can be used to construct audio scores, or, which can
feedback into the performance and notation system itself (i.e. creating
commands for other performers). The workshop will be based in a space with simple objects and furniture that the participants can use as their
notational ’canvas’. They will be able to construct a notation system from
their own movements and their interactions with the objects in the space.

From this they will create a series of ’object scores’. Participants will
work collectively in creating and altering these ’object scores’ following
a FLOSS paradigm of writing and re-writing each other’s contributions.
This will create a tight feedback loop between writing and performing -
the motions of performance become recorded as notations in the scores.
These scores then generate the possibilities for further performances
which re-write the previous notations.


Day 1 | 11.02 – getting familiar with software, beginning to translate
notations into furniture and software

Day 2 > 4 | 12 > 14.02 – developing ’object score’ performances with
the software and space

Day 5 | 15.02 - final performance and evaluation session


Preliminary sessions:

APT, deSingel Antwerp (7th Floor)

 Thursday 07.02 – introductory presentations on performance notations
looking at the work of the Scratch Orchestra, Anthony Braxton etc.

Live broadcast of the presentation at

 Friday 08.02 – practical notation exercise base don a film screening
using pencil and paper

Workshop hosts

Simon Yuill is an artist and programmer based in Glasgow, Scotland. He is
a developer in the spring_alpha and Social Versioning System (SVS)
projects. He has helped setup and run a number of hacklab and free media labs in Scotland including the Chateau Institute of Technology (ChIT) and Electron Club, as well as the Glasgow branch of OpenLab.

Kirsty Stansfield is an artist currently undertaking a practice-based PhD
entitled, "Sound As Interface - A Performative Genotype" at the University
of Dundee. Her interactive sound installations and sculptures provide
situations and props in which sound mediates peoples’ relationships to
each other and to their physical environment.

Organized by

APT (Advanced Performance Training) is a post-graduate 12 month
performance research program, developed out of the individual projects of the participants, and based on the principles of self-education and

APT (Advanced Performance Training) is part of

PoPoK, Posthogeschool voor Podiumkunsten vzw

p/a deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus

J. Van Rijswijcklaan 155, 2018 Antwerpen (B)

T: +32 3 242 89 60


A collaboration with Constant vzw & les Bains

@ Brussels, Les Bains