Project: LabtoLab

ACTA, expression of concern

We, members of the Labtolab network, have become convinced that the measures evoked by the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA*) will make our work harder, less efficient and sometimes even impossible.

In a letter of concern, supported by major institutions, artists and thinkers in the field of digital media, we explain aspects of our work and the negative impact that the adoption of the ACTA would have on it. We hope the members of the European Parliament find enough reasons for not supporting the treaty when an opinion to the European Court of Justice can still be requested and the treaty still not be signed.

You can support the statement by sending an email at Please mention your name and first name, affiliations and the city and country in which you live.

* The Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission defines Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in these terms:
The EU’s objective with ACTA partners is to have a new plurilateral treaty improving global standards for the enforcement of IPR, to more effectively combat trade in counterfeit and pirated goods.