A (dis)continued commitment

As of 1 July 2021, Constant discontinues it’s membership of the Free Software Foundation.

This withdrawal does not change Constant’s continued commitment to software released under conditions that invite users to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve.

With many others, Constant was relieved when in 2019 the Foundation found the courage to condemn the oppressive behaviour of Richard M. Stallman, and to force him to step down. It is painful and frustrating that the Foundation now has invited him back into a leadership position, and this without sufficiently acknowledging the harm that was done not only by Stallman himself, but also by the Free Software Foundation. In doing so, the Foundation blocks urgent community change and erases the voices of many that for years have dared to call out his conduct. We cannot read the decision in any another way than an active endorsement of his statements and behavior. We feel the Free Software Foundation has failed to step out of one individual’s shadow and does not take responsibility as a collective project.