OSP (Open Source Publishing)

Signals from: http://blog.osp.kitchen/

Practices shape tools — Tools shape practices

NaturArchy exhibition design
2024-06-04 14:03:00
Introduction OSP were commissioned by iMAL to design a graphic identity for the exhibition NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract, taking place in Brussels, from the 25.05 till 29.09.2024. As (…)
The pen plotter
Zonder titel
2023-11-03 21:16:38
’Artists and cultural workers in Belgium: Statement of Solidarity with Palestine’
2023-10-20 22:00:00
OSP responds to the Call for action for artistic and cultural organisations and institutions As cultural workers committed to opposing all forms of racism and colonial violence, we strongly and (…)
Open-source designs 'Stop Genocide' by Atelier Brenda displaying Palestinian flag and the text Stop the genocide
From WebKit to OSPKit: an alternate reality to keep working with CSS Regions
2023-07-14 15:00:00
In 2013, in the middle of W3C discussion threads around Paged Media features of the web, browsers engine shifts and partially implemented CSS standards, OSP started to use HTML and CSS to make (…)
html2print as a practice of boilerplates
2023-06-23 14:00:00
In the middle of 10 years of web-to-print practices and on the crossing of different ways of working with HTML and CSS to make printed matter, including html2print, OSPKit, CTRL+P and Paged.js, (…)
Installing OSPKit on Debian 11 and finding my html2print boilerplate
2023-06-23 14:00:00
How to install OSPKit on an updated operating system? In the middle of many web-to-print projects that are made with Paged.js these days, exploring OSPKit and html2print feels like fresh breeze (…)
Shoulder-to-shoulder (or not)
2023-05-04 15:00:00
It's such a pleasure to be able to contribute to this blog (again) and to announce my residency period at OSP here. :--) From a very nice freshly installed desk in the back of the OSP studio, (…)
Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) June, 2019
2019-07-25 09:27:00
Report written by our friend Manetta Berends from Varia It was a last minute decision to join this year’s LGM. Until the very last moment we weren’t sure if we could make it. In the end (…)
Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) June, 2019
2019-07-25 07:27:00
Report written by our friend Manetta Berends from Varia It was a last minute decision to join this year’s LGM. Until the very last moment we weren’t sure if we could make it. In the end (…)
2018-10-06 00:00:00
Extracting OSM data for SVG use. I've been meaning to document my OSM to SVG process for a while now, I just had to run the process again recently, so here was a new chance to take (…)
Plotting svg with machines
2018-10-05 22:00:00
Extracting OSM data for SVG use. I've been meaning to document my OSM to SVG process for a while now, I just had to run the process again recently, so here was a new chance to take (…)
Plotting svg with machines
Balsa modes d’emploi
2018-07-02 21:07:00
Septième saison associés avec le Théatre de la Balsamine! Et pour celle-ci, sous le signe obligé mais d'une certaine jouissance, l'arte povera numérique d'OSP en auteur visuel et à l'écriture de (…)
Balsa modes d’emploi
2018-07-02 19:07:00
Septième saison associés avec le Théatre de la Balsamine! Et pour celle-ci, sous le signe obligé mais d'une certaine jouissance, l'arte povera numérique d'OSP en auteur visuel et à l'écriture de (…)
Soap slides in the sun
2018-06-20 14:10:00
<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script> Another type of tool practice.
Soap slides in the sun
2018-06-20 12:10:00
<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script> Another type of tool practice.
Bram Crevits
2018-04-06 12:41:00
It is with great sadness that we learned of the unexpected death of our board member Bram Crevits. We will miss Bram’s energy and his persistent interest in the parcours of OSP. We first met him (…)
Algue Print Brussels