August 2009 - July 2010

  • September
  • When the arts labs (kunstenwerkplaatsen), Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne and BRXLBRAVO started cooperating on the Artslab² project, the multitude of artists in Brussels became a pivotal point, as well as the complexity of network(s), its multilingual and geographically dispersed landscape and (…)

  • When the arts labs (kunstenwerkplaatsen), Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne and BRXLBRAVO started cooperating on the Artslab² project, the multitude of artists in Brussels became a pivotal point, as well as the complexity of network(s), its multilingual and geographically dispersed landscape and (…)

  • October
  • Wearable installation
    How do we interact with each other – how do you deal with physical proximity? Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will set up a playful exercise in the Constant workspace, showing a moment in her research on physical computing, wearables and sound.
    (a moment in a (…)

  • On October 2, Constant launches Constant Verlag, a growing on-line
    repository, currently containing more than 60 texts on digital art and
    infrastructure. Some of those texts were already available on our
    website, others only existed on our personal harddrives. Now, Constant
    Verlag allows (…)

  • Presentation of Verlag online publishing tool.

  • Constant member An Mertens and 2 other members of Samedies (Agnes Bewer, Juliane de Moerloze) organise a workshop about wikis at Amazone, resource centre for equality between women and men. Following questions are on the menu:
    – what type of wiki to use?
    – how to install and set up a wiki?
    – (…)

  • Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a conversation . During this pre-spring weekend artistic DIYers can: *Continue their electronic (…)

  • Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a conversation . During this pre-spring weekend artistic DIYers can: *Continue their electronic (…)

  • November
  • Jonctions/Verbindingen is the bi-annual multi-disciplinary festival organised by Constant. The 12th edition of the festival proposes three threads: Shades of Grey Literature (an invitation to discover, play and worry about the numerous documents, commentaries and traces which organise electronic (…)

  • January 2010
  • French is the language spoken during the Samedies-meetings, therefore the content of this post is in French. Tx for your comprehension.
    Au programme:
    10:00 Accueil: koekjes, hugs & échanges matinaux...
    10:30 Imagemagic: La magie continue / De magie duurt voort !
    Nous donnerons un (…)

  • Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will present her Softwearables trajectory during Dorkbot at iMAL. It will be a combination of softsensors, proximity and measurements.

  • In this course, Lieven Moors will give an introduction to the GNU/Linux system from the viewpoint of a musician, and give an overview of some of the most influential open source projects for audio and midi.
    As a musician, Lieven Moors always thought that commercial software offerings were too (…)

  • February
  • Tracks in electr(on)ic fields is a new Constant publication with texts and images documenting the 10th Verbindingen/Jonctions festival.
    This publication contains contributions in English, French and Dutch and was edited by Constant featuring Clementine Delahaut, Laurence Rassel and Emma (…)

  • In this course, Lieven Moors will give an introduction to the GNU/Linux system from the viewpoint of a musician, and give an overview of some of the most influential open source projects for audio and midi.
    As a musician, Lieven Moors always thought that commercial software offerings were too (…)

  • Last year, two people who made important contributions to the project of Constant - and who, for some of us were close and important people - have passed away.
    At the start of this new year, we have a special thought for Laura Couderc, who was a crucial accomplice in the development of (…)

  • In this course, Lieven Moors will give an introduction to the GNU/Linux system from the viewpoint of a musician, and give an overview of some of the most influential open source projects for audio and midi.
    As a musician, Lieven Moors always thought that commercial software offerings were too (…)

  • An article in La Capitale about private wireless camera’s and privacy.

  • An article in le Soir on yoogle.

  • An article in le Soir on yoogle.

  • The Constant book Tracks in elect(ron)ic fields won a Fernand Baudin Prize 2009. This exhibition in Brussels presents the bookawards and other nominations.
    Opening, award ceremony of the honorary diploma’s and release of the catalogue: 25th of February 2010 at 6 pm
    For it’s second edition (…)

  • The great wish for the closing event of this conference was a showcase of
    the Kaleidoscope project. Unfortunately the infrastructure of the
    university makes it very difficult to set this up.
    Therefore Constant member An Mertens will give a lecture on Kaleidoscope,
    referring also to other (…)

  • Sonic Acts organises the Poetics of Space festival in Paradiso, De Balie, NIMK, Melkweg, Planetarium and STEIM in Amsterdam between 25 and 28 februari. Constant member Peter Westenberg will be talking during the panel "Poetics of hybrid Space".
    For details on the festival see

  • The collective of women & free software will meet up again for a day of code, discussion, server management, exchange of ideas & experiences and writing & translating articles.
    Programme :
    10h : Accueil avec cramique et café
    10h30 - 13h00 :
    – Installations et décisions sur (…)

  • A walk under / about video surveillance followed by a discussion
    This walk with many visuals will follow a chain of video surveillance camera’s of very different nature, ranging from shop security to baby sit and police camera’s. We’ll look at the images we capture. They will be discussed by a (…)

  • Yoogle! is an online game allowing users to play with the parameters of the web 2.0 and to exchange roles between the different actors of its economy. At the occasion of 7/24:30! - Technologie, mon amour, organised by the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, Michel Cleempoel will present the new version (…)

  • March
  • An article in the French newspaper Liberation & on Yoogle.,9369.html

  • An article in the French newspaper Liberation & on Yoogle.,9369.html

  • In the framework of "The human condition in the digital age" organized by Banlieues and CFS.
    Using the game Yoogle! as a starting point, we will analyze the traces we left behind while surfing and what can be done with them.
    – WithMichel Cleempoel (Constantvzw), Nicolas Hanoteau (Banlieues (…)

  • Live street broadcast of Radio Berenkuil / Radio La Cage.
    Place: Rue Van Ooststraat 52, on the pavement
    A radio conversation between two groups of inhabitants around the use of language in the neighbourhood. The questions: do we speak in the same language with people we know, with friends, (…)

  • Nicolas Malevé, Constant member, will take part in Icarus film maker (or the history of a vertical movement of the sight), an afternoon of reflections about the history of aerial view through art history, through the histories of thought, techniques and sciences, war imagery, cartography and of (…)

  • Constant member Nicolas Malevé takes part in the panel discussion L’image écartelée entre mémoire collective, réappropiation et exploitation.
    The panel is part of the professional day with the title: Main basse sur les archives ? taking place in the framework of the documentary festival Cinéma (…)

  • The Dingbats Liberation Fest adventure continues in Nancy.
    Invited by the my.monkey gallery, OSP presents some of its works and will open a new workshop Dingbats Liberation Fest: into the grid.
    The collaborative font project Dingbats Liberation (DLFo) proposes to redraw the Dingbats and (…)

  • April
  • The collective around the server Amaya meets up to continue explorations and exchanges in bash/mysql#free social networktools etc.
    9.30h - 10h: welcome & breakfast
    10h -13h: Collective presentations & work
    13h - 14.50h: Open lunch - bring your food!
    14.30 - 16.30h: Workgroups
    16.30 (…)

  • Berlin

  • A meeting open to everybody working with video, curious for free software and open source ways of creating video. This first meeting of the year will be to prepare the coming meetings, to fix some dates, to see what topics everyone finds interesting to work on, present, discuss. So we have an (…)

  • May
  • Object Score Notation is the software that co-performed in Kaleidoscope during VJ12, Nov 2010.

  • View by Thread is an exhibition that looks at some of the key themes running through the practice of De Geuzen, with a.o. Femke Snelting, member of Constant.
    The exhibition explores the tactics they have employed in their unique approach to multi-visual research. Among others, The Mobile (…)

  • What happens when a talented team of illustrators, graphic designers and graffiti artists starts working with Open Source softwares like Gimp, Inkscape and FontForge? What if the experimental results are printed on the press of Plus-tôt Te Laat and then handed over to students of the Ecole de (…)

  • Are you currently working on an electronic tinkering project? Do you want to discover all kinds of buttons, potentiometers, infrared detectors, movement detectors, gassensors, coloursensors, pressure sensors, sonar etc? Are you curious to see how you can use these handmade - reused – new buttons (…)

  • A meeting for people interested in working with video and open source tools.
    Some tasks are easier done by typing commands in a terminal then by using a graphic interface software. Selecting cuts, sound replacements, working with stills ... Especially handy when there is serial repetitive work (…)

  • The first radioshow of Radio La Cage/Radio Berenkuil will be broadcasted by Radio Panik 105.4fm on 13-5 from 7pm till 7.30pm. This show is the result of a collaboration between Feza asbl and Constant vzw.
    For the occasion we warmly invite you to come and listen to the show with a glass of (…)

  • Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will present a chapter of her
    Softwearables Trajectory during Gosie Vervloessem’s Domestic Science Club. She will move the focus from electricity in the body to measuring Ohm from the body. How much power do you need shake a hand? What factors are at play in (…)

  • The working day of the women collective Samedies will be organised with morning sessions around Sox (soundfiles in bash) and rdvz, the free software alternative to Doodle.
    After the lunch (please bring something) the group will be split up in working groups according to the needs of the (…)

  • One day before the Libre Graphics meeting starts, Constant organises LG-school, aimed at teachers and students from art- and design schools in Belgium and abroad. LG-school is an intense day around the potential and challenges of Free Software for learning, experimenting and making creative (…)

  • From 27-30 May, Constant and De Pianofabriek host the international Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM), a yearly event where developers and users of graphics tools such as Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus and Fontforge get together to work on better software.
    You are welcome for a four day event including (…)

  • June
  • From May 27-30, more than 200 developers, designers and artists gathered in De Pianofabriek (Brussels) to discuss Free, Libre and Open Source Software for creative tools. Traveling from over 45 countries, the fifth edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting was an opportunity for collaborative work (…)

  • enSuite is a series of meetings on the imaginary practice organised by Pieter Van Bogaert. From the everyday practice of media users, to the particular practice of artists and spectators or every other practice that makes the move from images to imagination.
    enSuite is guided by the book: the (…)

  • A continuation of the previous session when we looked into some basic mencoder / ffmpeg commands to edit video.
    Based on the work of all participants we’ll investigate what these tools can mean to a workflow. Bring your video’s !
    – Look at each others work
    – Select and write (…)

  • As invited guest to the Empyre mailinglist, Andrew Murphie, Mat Wall" Smith and OSP will discuss design in relation to this months’ topic Publishing In Convergence.
    From the introduction by Morgan Currie:
    "Despite the recent hype around ebooks, the future of publishing remains uncertain. The (…)

  • A visit, a conversation and a multi-cultural bread tasting activity.
    The vocabulary discovered during this event will be recorded and added to the Schaarbeekse Taal Dictionary.
    If you want to participate, please contact Peter Westenberg: 0498 493018

  • Yet another meeting of women & free software. On the program: 10h -11h:30 (Constant) : Sécurité de base : nouveaux mdp pour Amaya en utilisant John the Ripper, croissants, café, thé 11h:30 - 12h.30 (Constant) : Discussion avec Aileen Derieg (live sur Skype / IRC) autour son reportage de LGM (…)

  • EMF Orchestra Workshop Workshop leaders: Peter Westenberg and Wendy van Wynsberghe, Constant vzw (art and media), Brussels
    Participants: 15 (maximum) Fee: 20 Euro (lunch and drinks will be provided) Location: BALTAN Laboratories Glaslaan 2, SWA-8 5616 LW Eindhoven The (…)

  • July
  • July 1st marks the long awaited launch of OSP-foundry, a small but growing collection of Libre Fonts designed by OSP with other type collaborators. Complete typefaces, typographic thoughts, works in progress, proofs of concept: these glyphs are free to be used, studied, copied and reworked.

  • Radio-uitzending rond de woorden die werden geregistreerd tijdens het gesprek ’Brood in de kuil’ op 24 juni bij Chez Angelo in Schaarbeek.
    Listen to the radio: Radio Panik: 105.4 FM or online:
    Would you like to participate, please contact Peter Westenberg 0498 493018 or (…)

  • Short and informal presentations in the context of the Active Archives worksession. Artists, developers and others interested in (re)working audio and video archives present projects in process.
    Updates on the program:
    The four-day worksession (15-18 July) aims to (…)

  • Constant member An Mertens is invited by architect Miriam Rohde and performer Adva Zakai @ Dominokingdom to talk about collaborative narrative practices within Constant during a workshop on ’Real Time Composition’ with Joao Fiadeiro and others.

  • Video camera’s and still image camera’s that record video produce a range of different file types. Working with these files can be a challenge. Codecs and compressions are not always compatible with your timeline editor, many file formats are too heavy to play on your computer.
    Based on files (…)