October 2008 - September 2009

  • October
  • Member of Constant Peter Westenberg contributed to the ’first research book about YouTube’ published by the Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur in Amsterdam.
    The Video Vortex Reader is the first collection of critical texts to deal with the rapidly emerging world of online video – from its (…)

  • How can the women’s movement best make use of the vast possibilities of new technologies? What are choices to make and challenges to take on? Constant member Femke Snelting moderates a discussion organised by Amazone, national contact centre for women and women’s organisations in Brussels.

  • Amaya will resurrect in her proper DMZ and with a new domain name:

  • Balearic Routes and Routines are two walks which try to interfere with the
    experience you have moving about in your familiar environment. With low
    tech shoes and other devices we will explore Palma and Andratx on foot,
    looking at common and private space, sniffing wifi signals and recording (…)

  • Balearic Routes and Routines are two walks which try to interfere with the
    experience you have moving about in your familiar environment. With low
    tech shoes and other devices we will explore Palma and Andratx on foot,
    looking at common and private space, sniffing wifi signals and recording (…)

  • In a first attempt to draw a collaborative map of the many different tools that together define the practice of digital design, OSP attempts to recollect facts and anecdotes gathered over the last few years. At Software history mapping night we’ll gather around the table to start a visual (…)

  • November
  • Constant is operating within the walls of University Gent with a lecture and a workshop in 4 sessions.

  • Busboîtescartesmaps is an event in the framework of the Towards project that combines subjective representations of the Brussels’ terrain which the development of a software for subjective cartography. Also inspired by the experiences springing from the Routes + Routines series of explorative (…)

  • What is Constant cooking? Which are the experiments, questions, techniques and words they are combining? With Verbindingen/Jonctions 11 Constant invites you into the heart of her daily practice. As of the 11th edition, the yearly Verbindingen/Jonctions festival mutates into a more punctual (…)

  • Dividing and Sharing is an essay about the way (web)standards change the practice of design work.
    This text by Femke Snelting is included in Designing Universal Knowledge (Lars Müller Publishers), a publication edited by Gerlinde Schuller with essays by Alex Wright, Willem van Weelden and (…)

  • A workshop Open Source Video exploring collaborative practices and tools.
    Remixes, re-using imagery, recycling visuals and reworking the same source material is an exciting artistic field which gained momentum with the rise of the internet. Audio visual material that is free of author rights, (…)

  • Femke Snelting contributes to the grand FoAM Open Sauces dinner with a toast on redundancy-free cooking.

  • At the end of November, there is another Ellentriek session, this time in a slightly ’new’ format. Ellentriek this time is a gathering for Volt-artists-DIY-ers where the relationship between art en electricity is central! Research, experiment, creation, inspiration, cooperation, "¦
    Join us at (…)

  • December
  • Several attempts to map gender participation in ICT, show that women increasingly make use of online services (internet browsing, social software), but also that their involvement with regard to decision making and development of technology, has stagnated. Constant member Femke Snelting chairs a (…)

  • How can taxonomies of various cultural institutions be brought into relation? How could we develop tools that map differences, variations and overlaps? In what way can we facilitate negotiations between systems in order to make sharing possible without losing one’s specificity?
    The Constant (…)

  • The ladies of Samedies will reconnect the server Amaya, reconfigure and reinstall her and start organising work groups to keep her going in a good and fertile way.

  • An Mertens and Peter Westenberg contribute to a symposium in Montevideo, Amsterdam, initiated by Linda Hilfling, on the topic of performative language, as part of the ’Speaking out Loud’-exhibition.
    About the symposium:
    Most works in the Speaking Out Loud exhibition suggest that language is (…)

  • January 2009
  • Workgroups svn & mysql, dealing with dns & nameserver.
    And as usual: collective problemsolving, lunch & closure

  • February
  • Archive.org, YouTube, Pirate Bay and other popular online platforms bring up questions about authorship, distribution and production. Rits, the Brussels’ school for audiovisual studies, invited Constant to discuss these issues and present Active Archives, a project which sets off from the idea (…)

  • Lecture in the framework of conference Academie voor Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving Minerva Groningen

  • Lecture in the framework of conference Academie voor Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving Minerva Groningen

  • "FLOSS+Art", edited by Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk, covers Free and Open Source software (FLOSS) for artists and designers not just as a technical tool, but as an artistic medium that works differently and has its own philosophy, politics and aesthetics.
    With presentations by: Aymeric (…)

  • Workgroups MySQL & TRAC
    Brainstorm on future interventions at IF3
    Brainstorming for the "toolkit" : how to react to sexist clichés
    Brainstorming on closing samedies in may/june

  • What is our current attitude towards the future and what effect does this have on contemporary performance and media art? This is the topic dealt with in Diggin’ the Future. This study day focuses on the impact of ongoing geopolitical shifts on the present depiction of the future. It also (…)

  • March
  • In the publishing business, the term ’parallel publishing’ is used to describe the production of the same content or information in more than one medium (typically paper and screen).
    The Open Source Publishing team will work with a group of students from the Ecole des beaux-arts, école (…)

  • Open workshop – bring your own project and let’s make it work … together.
    During this pre-spring weekend artistic diyers can:
    *Continue their electronic research (research)
    *Experiment and try out new stuff (experiment)
    *Get one step further thanks to new input and knowledge (…)

  • Towards new modes of documentary creation: between shared practices, normalisation and diversification.
    During the ’professional meetings’ organised in the framework of the Cinema du Reel documentary festival, Constant member Peter Westenberg hosts a panel about open source video production (…)

  • Ana Foor & Anne Wiel show children how you can turn a memory into a fiction story and how you stitch the story into a selfmade cover. Children make their own book with free software during workshops at the Bibliotheek Sans Souci or at home using an online toolkit (will be published soon!). (…)

  • During the Yota study day "Speaking through space" which takes place March 27, Constant organises in collaboration with BEAM, a walk through Molenbeek / Laken, just behind the Tour & Taxis site. During this walk we will trace a few routes&routines developed by local youth and kids. Where (…)

  • Host projects:
    wikis, spip, mediawiki, dokuwiki, wordpress and other.

  • In the context of Open course / Open source, OSP performs a re-enactment of a print party that happened almost a year ago at the same location. OSP will change roles to serve another assorted collection of stories about engineered fonts, a live cooking class (nothing prepared earlier), 9 new (…)

  • April
  • This toolkit is freely downloadable for all children (and those who still feel like children) who want to make their own book.
    In this toolkit you find:
    – tips to turn a memory into a fictional story
    – instructions on how to make the pages of a book:
    * manually
    * with a (…)

  • OSP free typography workshop using the streets of Brussels as a playground on multiple scales. Performances, treasure hunts and walks all feed into the design of a collaborative font.

  • Constant presents during the opening weekend of this temporarily shared space:
    Room 2 - Take Away Archive
    A retrospective of books, posters and flyers, published by Constant since 1997. A chance to update your printed matter collection with vintage Constant must-haves.
    Room 1 - Ellentrique (…)

  • Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a conversation .
    During this pre-spring weekend artistic DIYers can:
    *Continue their electronic (…)

  • Every Saturday and Sunday you’re welcome to pop in and visit our Take Away Archive, the exhibitions of the other organisations, the bar, the space...us.
    Rue de la Senne/Zennestraat 17:
    Constant, Josworld, Croxhapox, Komplot, Bains Connective, Fortlaan 17, SECONDroom and Q-O2 can reside (…)

  • – Repair MySQL
    – study manuals for backup

  • May
  • Cuisine Interne Keuken is the audio-project of Constant making visible the internal organisation of the cultural industry. By interviewing artists on their practises of dealing with written and unwritten laws, systems of values and processes of decision making, this database offers an insight (…)

  • In 2008 Amazone (the national contact centre for women and women’s organisations in Belgium), organised Spiderwomen?!: the women’s movement and the World Wide Web. During this study day, it became clear that indivdual women as well as women’s organisations are ready to work with new media tools. (…)

  • An Mertens will be participating in the 11th Festival Bandits-Mages, in the program ’Anticipated Worlds/Augmented Territories’.
    Fiction allows you to take a distance from everyday reality and to inject new perspectives in work practises. Which examples of so called feminist science-fiction (…)

  • At the occasion of the yearly festival ’Journées du Libre’, Constant invited art- and design professors to discuss the way Free, Libre and Open Source Software and Open Content licenses function in the courses they are currently teaching. Why do they think Free Culture relevant for art (…)

  • Gender Art Net is an interactive Map, offering accessibility and readability of a broader range of artistic positions, which explore the complex interrelatedness of gender, ethnicity, race, sexualities in contemporary Europe.
    This project commissioned by the European Cultural Foundation (…)

  • As a contribution to the Nova festival ’Imaginary Property’ (more info soon at: http://www.nova-cinema.org), OSP presents a selection of animated scripts, instructional videos, live-drawing-from-far, interviews, clips, digital slide shows, desktop recordings and other moving material for the (…)

  • The collective exhibition in Zennestraat 17 will close on Sunday 31st May to re-open in October 2009.
    *Closing party on 30-5-9 from 9pm
    *Concert by Kapotski on 31-5-9 from 2 till 6pm
    From May till October Constant will be organizing several workshops at Zennestraat 17.

  • June
  • The catalogue of the festival Zemos98 remixes the texts of the interventions of the different participants during ’Encuentros Regreso al futuro’. The book includes the presentation by Laurence Rassel, Conciencia Multiple, mixed with echos of other lectures.
    The book reads as a collective (…)

  • Constant member Nicolas Malevé will lead the discussion on intellectual property and piracy in Nova with: Florent Latrive: journalist of Libération and author of the book ’Du bon usage de la piraterie’ www.freescape.eu.org/piraterie Jérémie Zimmerman: co-founder and spokesman of Quadrature du (…)

  • Last Samedie of the season:
    14h - 17h : Workshop with Anouk Adel on collective practises by Starhawk: English - reservation required
    17h-19h : presentations by An Mertens (Français: Quand Donna, Linus et Octavia se retrouvent), Femke Snelting... - open for everyone!
    19-21h : auberge (…)

  • Under the claim "professionalize the professionals" the Erich Pommer Institut, supported by the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, is offering a series of workshops within its programme Essential Legal Framework.
    Film production, film financing and exploitation contain a multitude of legal (…)

  • July
  • Puerto is a hospitable place in the centre of Brussels where homeless
    people can find help if they want to live independently. Every Monday they are welcome to come and eat a three course meal, prepared by a volunteer, at an affordable price. Together with these volunteers and Puerto guests, (…)

  • This workshop is a detour through the city of Ghent guided by environmental data. Fit up with a self-made antenna, city walkers are dwelling through the electro magnetic fields of Ghent.
    Part 1 EMF antenna
    After a contextualization of the workshop by a presentation and introduction of EMF, (…)

  • To explore the possibilities of bringing electronics closer to bodies and plants we are organizing a workshop with the artists Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi in which you will learn how to use textiles and electronics to interact with humans and plants.
    Human bodies and plants are not (…)

  • September
  • When the arts labs (kunstenwerkplaatsen), Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne and BRXLBRAVO started cooperating on the Artslab² project, the multitude of artists in Brussels became a pivotal point, as well as the complexity of network(s), its multilingual and geographically dispersed landscape and (…)

  • When the arts labs (kunstenwerkplaatsen), Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne and BRXLBRAVO started cooperating on the Artslab² project, the multitude of artists in Brussels became a pivotal point, as well as the complexity of network(s), its multilingual and geographically dispersed landscape and (…)