November 2007 - October 2008

  • October
  • November
  • Integrated design conference + gathering words for our lexicon
    PubliActie proposes a series of worksessions and interventions around words and definitions connected to moods, actions, sentiments we experience daily as a result from digital developments.
    PubliActie is a cooperation between (…)

  • Because the current language of the Samedies is French, the following message will be in French. Tx for your comprehension!
    Amaya (notre machine :-) dispose maintenant d’un serveur Web (Apache) et de bases de données (MySQL) entre autres. Utilisons-les pour mettre en ligne des applications Web (…)

  • Together with Mute’s Simon Worthington and Laura Oldenburg, OSP participates to the NM-X network evening. We present our experiences with free software for designers, and discuss problems and possibilities of mixed use of free and commercial software, the future of free fonts and the (…)

  • Workshop with open source tools only:
    – content that belongs to the Public Domain
    – fonts that allows us to change them and redistribute them
    – open source software
    Starting point is the Gutenberg Project, the first and largest collection of free electronic books.

  • December
  • Presentation of a research and possible development of free software in collaboration with cultural institutes (software-modules, presentations, exchange moments).

  • Workshops on D.I.Y. hardware & electricity

  • Lecture by Laurence Rassel, member of Constant, in the framework of a symposium reflecting on the consumer society via zombie movies. This symposium figures as the point of departure of a project by artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum in collaboration with Consonni.

  • Workshop in the framework of the week of the Human Rights liga, focussing on the project Yoogle! (project presentation + atelier). These activities envision elucidating the veiled economic mechanisms of web 2.0, as well as pointing to the misuse of profiles and free labour.

  • A newspaper on subjective carthographies of urban interventions in Brussels, in collaboration with Citymin(e)d, Recyclart and Speculoos.

  • January 2008
  • A collaboration between Bxlug, Radio Panik, Radio Campus,
    Radio Air Libre, and Constant, amongst others.

  • publication

  • The common language at the Samedies is French, therefore the rest of this message is in French.
    Amaya (notre machine :-) dispose maintenant d’un serveur Web (Apache), de bases de données (MySQL) et des applications comme PMwiki. Comment et où on l’installe finalement ? Comment on la connecte (…)

  • February
  • For the first trimester of 2008, Constant is invited to participate to the programme and to contribute to the content of the APT postgraduate (part of the Posthogeschool voor Podiumkunsten which is based at Singel in Antwerp).
    In the light of this programme, we are delighted to invite you to (…)

  • New media conceptualize space in terms of interhuman and concrete
    relationships. Their cartographic representation show how these different
    dimensions are linked to each other and tries to demonstrate their
    reciprocal connectedness. This Friday afternoon will present the work of
    media (…)

  • March
  • Common language at the Samedies is French, therefore this message is continued in French.
    Nous ne savons pas encore si Amaya sera notre plaine de jeux et de tests, un abri pour des projets publics ou encore un bureau à distance, ou bien tout à la fois :-) Mais elle est déjà un espace de (…)

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg created an installation in the art center Z33 and he’s organizing four walks through the center of Hasselt in the framework of the exhibition PLACE@SPACE.
    The walkers will wear footwear equipped with low tech electronics, microphones, camera’s. The collected (…)

  • CIAO/CU – Digital narration
    CIAO/TOT LATER — Novel
    * Work in Progress*
    Linda is a young photographer who dreams of making a living as a comic
    artist. She lives on a square in the center of Brussels. Her artistic work
    takes an important turn when the inhabitants discover the real estate (…)

  • Constant member Nicolas Malevé participates in a training on free software by Cesep.
    Are members of your team interested in - or already into free software? Come and find out how you can install free software in your organization with only a short sharp and free training.
    In one morning you (…)

  • Constant member Laurence Rassel presents her ideas on fiction as a tool in ’Bellas Necesidades’.
    The Encounters Back to the Future invite 5 thinkers/creators: Laurence Rassel, José Luis de Vicente, Wu Ming, Lisa Parks and Geert Lovink. They look into the possible functions of utopic thinking (…)

  • April
  • In collaboration with Arteleku, Constant organised a worksession dedicated to the exchange of video material and a introductory lecture with interventions by Jorge Blasco Gallardo and Michael Murtaugh.

  • The digital narration *CIAU/CU* was awarded the 2nd place in the trails
    category of the ShiftSpace commission program and will be granted a
    development grant from
    CIAO/CU is a work in progress and can still be see in the exhibition
    Place@Space in Z33 in Hasselt.
    CIAO/CU is (…)

  • Constant member Laurence Rassel will lecture in this conference which is
    presented by The American University Washington College of Law’s Journal
    of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, Program on Information Justice and
    Intellectual Property, and Women and the Law Program.

  • Presentation by Nicolas Malevé followed by a Print Party, a perfomative lecture with cakes and typographies by the members of the collective OpenSource Publishing. This activity is part of Open Source/ Open Course,
    a project initiated by Marc Wathieu.

  • Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe presents Constant’s work during the launch event of the New Media lab of Area 10. The media lab is dedicated to working with Free Libre / Open Source tools. RE | BOOT is part of a pan-London programme of new media events called Node London.
    More detailed (…)

  • In the framework of the exhibition Place@Space, Constant member Peter
    Westenberg organises walks through the center of Hasselt. Equiped with low tech audio visual shoes, the walkers explore boundaries between public and private space. The walks will be webcasted through private internet (…)

  • Constant member Femke Snelting lectures during the conference Hybrid
    City, a design research project investigating different layers of the
    city, organised by the Media & Design Academy Genk.
    Students of the MDA explored Genk’s mining history, food culture, multiculturalism, popular (…)

  • The common language in the Samedies is French, therefore the following message is in French:
    Deuxième expérience nomade : après un accueil à l’asbl Constant vzw, les Samedis se dérouleront aux Ateliers du Web de Saint-Gilles.
    Pour un re-play et une mise en oeuvre de la politique de droits (…)

  • What is Constant cooking? Which are the experiments, questions, techniques and words they are combining? With Verbindingen/Jonctions 11 Constant invites you into the heart of her daily practice. As of the 11th edition, the yearly Verbindingen/Jonctions festival mutates into a more punctual (…)

  • Terre Thaemlitz + Laurence Rassel’s already legendary ’Laurence Rassel
    Show’ is included in this groupshow that gathers documents, art works and
    films which offer a plural view on borderline practices, where singular
    political and artistic agendas are inextricably linked.

  • In the framework of the exhibition Shadow Cabinet (Three Rendezvous) in Extracity which is curated by Vincent Meessen, a special broadcast of ’The Laurence Rassel Show’ is scheduled on Radio Centraal, Antwerpen.
    The programme ’de Wolkenbreiers’ of Leo R., will contain interventions by Vincent (…)

  • May
  • A mini demo of ’My Cuisine Interne Keuken’ by Wendy Van Wynsberghe,
    followed by interviews on the first floor of The Laboureur, done with a
    flexible Python interviewing script.

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg participates in this two day workshop
    that aims to enable sharing and mapping of experiences, thoughts and
    visions around creative expressions of hybrid space. How do artists work
    with hybrid space and how do they make us aware of the social and cultural (…)

  • OSP (Open Source Publishing) travels to Wroclaw, Poland to participate in
    the Libre Graphics Meeting Days 2008. With amongst others: a Print Party,
    a workshop and a presentation.
    Audio & screencast
    A postcard from LGM

  • In this workshop you can propose your electrical artistic research
    project. Participate to experiment and learn from each other and from
    Jonas Nachtergaele, MarcOrakel, Dijf Sanders...
    Participation only through subscription.

  • Nicolas Malevé and Femke Snelting participate in this one day workshop
    that looks into how practices motivated by personal questions in relation
    to gender can be responsive to specific spatial and gendered conditions without appealing to the general? Further, on what level might such practices (…)

  • The last of the Routes + Routines walks in Hasselt will stumble across
    protocols of exchange, (il)legal procedures of accessing the web, personal
    trust and temporary alliances.
    Registration:, 0032 (0)11 295960

  • Presentation Femke Snelting in the context of The Spiderwoman meeting

  • One-day symposium about the epistemology and context of practice-based
    Speakers: Laurence Rassel, artist/ curator (Brussels), Prof Nigel Johnson,
    artist/ researcher (Dundee University), Simon Sheikh, curator/ critic
    (Copenhagen/Malmoe), Dr Dieter Lesage, philosopher (…)

  • Wendy Van Wynsberghe introduces My Cuisine Interne Keuken, an
    interview database & tool on the conditions of work, on Sunday 25 may
    during the Eclectic Tech Carnival, organized by the Genderchangers and
    During the week that follows, bolwerK will follow up by conducting a
    series (…)

  • Laurence Rassel member of Constant gives a 4-days class on
    Contemporary ways of production and distribution.

  • June
  • Constant members Femke Snelting and Wendy van Wynsberghe talk about how
    and why cultural workers engage themselves with Free culture.

  • The Open Source Publishing team designed CROSS-over, a publication on art, media and technology in Flanders. The publication is edited by Liesbeth Huybrechts and published by BAM and Lanoo. CROSS-over also contains a textual contribution by Constant member Femke Snelting, and an annotated visualisation of the BAM database by OSP.

    "Contemporary artists work with the materials of their times: internet, gps, RFID and nanotechnologies. Together with programmers, designers and researchers they create new forms of expression, new relations with publics and new forms of conservation and presentation."

  • At the occasion of Terre Thaemlitz’ residency at the York University
    Music Research Centre under the direction of Tony Myatt, The Laurence Rassel Show will be discussed and presented as well as some other Constant projects, in presence of Laurence Rassel, Dont Rhine (Ultrared-Publicrecord) and (…)

  • A worksession about security in Debian/Apache/MySQL/PHP.

  • Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe presents during this study-afternoon
    that questions the role of intellectual property in the creation of
    media-arts. Wat are the risks for musea buying arts in which found footage
    is incorporated? What are alternative models for the disclosure of (…)

  • Kunstenwerkplaatsen (Art labs) are a broad category of divers initiatives
    difficult to capture under one umbrella. Fact is that they are all
    research based, and center stage artistic development. With presentations
    by: Bastien Gilbert, directeur van het RCAAQ (Québec, Canada), Piet Menu, (…)

  • Join us for live-lay-out, Polish souvenirs and the launch of NotCourier-sans: an open font by OSP.

  • Festive closure of the second Samedi season with performances,
    presentations and talks.

  • Dans le cadre du cours "Manières de faire, manières de voir" organisé par l’Ecole des Arts 08, une organisation du Circulo de Bellas Artes et l’Université Carlos III de Madrid, cours sous la direction de Nuria Enguita Mayo, directrice artistique de la Fondation Tapies, Barcelone, Laurence Rassel présentera le travail de Constant sous le titre: "Technologies expositives, spéculation technologique.", lors de la session du 30 juin.

  • In the framework of the Summer course "Ways of doing, ways of seeing"
    under the direction of Nuria Enguita Mayo, artistic director of the
    Tapies Fundation, Laurence Rassel speaks about Constant work, in a lecture entitled "Exhibitive technology, technological speculation".
    The course is part (…)

  • July
  • How can the functionalities of online and ofline systems to edit video be reviewed to facilitate open source ways of collaborative video-editing. Invited by guests will work on imagining a system, exploring the possibilities of content managing systems and the capacity of timeline editors to export edit decision lists in open standards formats.

  • August
  • What is Constant cooking? Which are the experiments, questions, techniques and words they are combining? With Verbindingen/Jonctions 11 Constant invites you into the heart of her daily practice. As of the 11th edition, the yearly Verbindingen/Jonctions festival mutates into a more punctual (…)

  • Member of Constant Peter Westenberg contributed to the ’first research book about YouTube’ published by the Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur in Amsterdam.
    The Video Vortex Reader is the first collection of critical texts to deal with the rapidly emerging world of online video – from its (…)

  • How can the women’s movement best make use of the vast possibilities of new technologies? What are choices to make and challenges to take on? Constant member Femke Snelting moderates a discussion organised by Amazone, national contact centre for women and women’s organisations in Brussels.

  • Amaya will resurrect in her proper DMZ and with a new domain name:

  • Balearic Routes and Routines are two walks which try to interfere with the
    experience you have moving about in your familiar environment. With low
    tech shoes and other devices we will explore Palma and Andratx on foot,
    looking at common and private space, sniffing wifi signals and recording (…)

  • Balearic Routes and Routines are two walks which try to interfere with the
    experience you have moving about in your familiar environment. With low
    tech shoes and other devices we will explore Palma and Andratx on foot,
    looking at common and private space, sniffing wifi signals and recording (…)

  • In a first attempt to draw a collaborative map of the many different tools that together define the practice of digital design, OSP attempts to recollect facts and anecdotes gathered over the last few years. At Software history mapping night we’ll gather around the table to start a visual (…)