November 2006 - October 2007

  • November
  • Science Fiction proposes methods, which could also be of use in everyday human relationships. In the interpretation Constant puts to the fore and explicitates to the students, science fiction is a manner of putting a problem in a different perspective, by for example incorporating another body. (…)

  • February 2007
  • At the invitation of IBK (Fine Arts Initiative), Laurence Rassel, Constant
    member, will participate in a workshop on the relationships between art
    centers and museums, and the relationships between contemporary art
    practices and these institutions. Speakers will include, among others,
    Bart (…)

  • Workshop on Open Source Video editing and sharing

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg presents his project World Wide Westwijk;
    a semi-permanent mediative neighbourhood intervention and site specific
    collective video-workplace in Vlaardingen, Netherlands. The symposium aims
    to create a critical framework around ’location based media’ and how (…)

  • March
  • Installation at Passaporta during BRXLBRAVO with texts of Paul Van Ostaijen and Suzanne Lilar.
    All visitors lend their voice to the computer. One can hear how the machine presents the two texts using hundreds of different voices of the Brussels visitors.

  • Peprav is a project that is partly financed by the CULTURE2000-program of the European Union.
    The platform formalizes a collective critical research on urban alternatives in the city: presentations, experiments, discussions based on feminist and collaborative practices.
    A collaboration (…)

  • Participation to the study conference on ’e-culture and participation’. In the framework of this gathering ensuing from the publication ’E-cultuur. Bouwstenen voor praktijk en beleid’, Constant members gave two presentations: ’Women and Free Software’ by Femke Snelting, and ’World Wide Westwijk’ (…)

  • April
  • Nicolas Malevé and Peter Westenberg present in IBAI/Recyclart their exercice in exploiting the imperfections and in-between-spaces that grow in stitches, blind spots and the data-abundance of navigation-software, routeplanners and cartopgraphic satellite images.
    Is it possible to hide by (…)

  • Series of workshops

  • May
  • A lecture by Femke Snelting and Harrison during Libre Graphics Meeting, the annual meeting around free software for graphical work around the question: why designers should be interested in FLOSS.

  • June
  • A radio drama starring Laurence Rassel & Terre Thaemlitz.
    Originally commissioned for broadcast by a German national broadcaster in
    2005, delayed and then cancelled in 2006, self-released in 2007 by
    Comatonse Recordings (, Constant vzw (, and
    simultaneously (…)

  • Gender Art Net will be developed throughout 2008 as an interactive Map,
    offering accessibility and readability of a broader range of artistic
    positions, which explore the complex interrelatedness of gender,
    ethnicity, race, sexualities in contemporary Europe. Seminar for Master
    and BA (…)

  • The Open Source Publishing team would like to serve you their latest adventures in free software for breakfast. With amongst other things a lay-out application animating a fairy tale, a software developer looking for monkeys in Madagascar and a letter A that changed everything. Don’t miss the (…)

  • July
  • Talk by constant member Laurence Rassel in the framework of the seminar
    "Structures, networks, collectives - A segment connector" co-ordinated by
    the Fundacion Rodriguez. The seminar focusses on the practice of
    collective works, networking, platforms of exchange in the field of
    contemporary (…)

  • September
  • Benjamin Henrion who joined the July cartography workshop talked about the openstreetmap project (1). We organize a first workshop on open cartography of the center of Brussels.
    We wander through the streets of the city center with our bike and GPS and we will process the data acquired in the (…)

  • Les Mouvements "Radieuse": urban gymnastics for the inhabitants of the Maison Radieuse.
    A series of ’Routes + Routines’ workshops on the relation between architecture, prescription, routine and the body. How does a building influence our daily movements? Are those movements part of the original (…)

  • Because French is the current language at the Samedies, the rest of this article will be in French.
    C’est la rentrée des Samedis, femmes et logiciels libres, une série de rencontres qui ont débuté en novembre 2006, organisées autour de la construction, l’installation et la maintenance d’un (…)

  • October
  • Member of Constant Peter Westenberg took part in the conference Video
    Vortex, responses to YouTube, organised by Argos and the Institute of
    Network Cultures. The raw text of his lecture ’Affinity video’ can be
    found on the Open Source Videoblog:
    About (…)

  • Constant member Laurence Rassel participates to the forum discussion ’Art and Economy’ in the framework of the European Art Festival Hamburg. 22 art spaces based in Hamburg collectively reflect on new strategies and production methods in the European art scene. Other leading European art (…)

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg participates in the debate ’Aventures en
    architecture’, organised by IBAI, the Brussels Architecture Institute
    The debate investigates city tours as an artistic practice. With
    Brukselbinnenstebuiten, Isabel de Barry / Ne pas plier, Vincent Calay,
    Dirk (…)

  • Integrated design conference + gathering words for our lexicon
    PubliActie proposes a series of worksessions and interventions around words and definitions connected to moods, actions, sentiments we experience daily as a result from digital developments.
    PubliActie is a cooperation between (…)