April 2006 - March 2007

  • April
  • Sciencefiction can be a laboratory for experiments imagining time, space, societal and affectionate relations between human beings. Through SF we can read the present as the past tense of the future or as the future of the past. Reading SF literature is a creative action; you create an imaginary (…)

  • Sciencefiction permits us to approach science as an experimental playground. Can we consider tinkering with gender, race and lifeforms as a symbol for our own longings? Do we dare to accept the challenge to be different and multiple, somewhere between ’science’ and ’fiction’?
    Lectures (…)

  • Stitch and Split situates itself here and now: the beginning of the 21st century, in Antwerp. We go out to discover the Antwerp opinions about the future. Also, what lessons can reality learn from speculative urbanism? And can we use a modernistic compass when we navigate through cyberspace? (…)

  • May
  • This print party is organised in the framework of the research project Tomorrow’s Book. Ad hoc publications where produced while using Open Source Software.
    Constant member Harrisson, researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie, synthesizes the Tomorrow’s Book as follows: "Books are coded (…)

  • June
  • From document to publication: the trajectory of a text up to its printing, and this by the sole means of open source software. Participants to Digitales discover the programs and are invited to experiment along with the designers.
    During this Printing Party a booklet is being produced: (…)

  • Passeer Pas Par LÁ proposed a walk through the neighbourhood Scheut in
    Anderlecht. We looked at local re-appropriation of disfunctional
    spaces, self chosen trajectories and gardens throughout the centuries.

  • July
  • It is possible to make and print a complete publication by the sole means of open source software. Harrisson and Femke Snelting give a presentation and performatively enlarge the 19 steps necessary to attain this end result.
    Kate Rich (Bureau of Inverse Technologies) mixed Open Cola (…)

  • Regulating Impulses was an experimental site-specific walk along the General Police Regulations of
    Brussels’ neighborhood Ixelles. In this walk we mirrored movements and
    actions from the official regulations, describing how to use public
    Wearing low-tech attachments, DIY (…)

  • September
  • In the framework of the ’Laundry Day’, Constant (Wendy van Wynsberghe)
    co-produced iPatchwork organised by the ADA network. iPatchwork provided
    an opportunity to learn basic skills of video-editing and vj’ing.
    See also the weblog of the workshop.

  • Constant (Nicolas Malevé) participated in the 4 the edition of the Wizards of Operating System.

  • Swap Script consisted of an experimental visit to a square in the Brussels’ neighborhood Schaerbeek in the shape of a site-specific workshop on rythm, motion, behaviour and navigation in an urban context. It was a performative investigation on how the infrastructural setting conducts daily (…)

  • November
  • Science Fiction proposes methods, which could also be of use in everyday human relationships. In the interpretation Constant puts to the fore and explicitates to the students, science fiction is a manner of putting a problem in a different perspective, by for example incorporating another body. (…)

  • February 2007
  • At the invitation of IBK (Fine Arts Initiative), Laurence Rassel, Constant
    member, will participate in a workshop on the relationships between art
    centers and museums, and the relationships between contemporary art
    practices and these institutions. Speakers will include, among others,
    Bart (…)

  • Workshop on Open Source Video editing and sharing

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg presents his project World Wide Westwijk;
    a semi-permanent mediative neighbourhood intervention and site specific
    collective video-workplace in Vlaardingen, Netherlands. The symposium aims
    to create a critical framework around ’location based media’ and how (…)

  • March
  • Installation at Passaporta during BRXLBRAVO with texts of Paul Van Ostaijen and Suzanne Lilar.
    All visitors lend their voice to the computer. One can hear how the machine presents the two texts using hundreds of different voices of the Brussels visitors.

  • Peprav is a project that is partly financed by the CULTURE2000-program of the European Union.
    The platform formalizes a collective critical research on urban alternatives in the city: presentations, experiments, discussions based on feminist and collaborative practices.
    A collaboration (…)

  • Participation to the study conference on ’e-culture and participation’. In the framework of this gathering ensuing from the publication ’E-cultuur. Bouwstenen voor praktijk en beleid’, Constant members gave two presentations: ’Women and Free Software’ by Femke Snelting, and ’World Wide Westwijk’ (…)