September 2005 - August 2006

  • October
  • A series of meetings, debates, interviews and a documentation room on the process of music production and its relationship with feminist practices.

  • November
  • Multidisciplinary situated festival about language and code.

  • December
  • Mini-program integrating gender studies in arts education
    The project is coordinated by two associations: SOPHIA, which aims to promote gender studies (1) in higher education in Belgium and CONSTANT, which links artistic practice with theoretical thinking in the field of Internet and digital (…)

  • January 2006
  • Stitch and Split invites you to take a look at the future of digital television, not from the utopian everything-is-possible-the-world-is-your-oyster sales strategy, nor from the purely artistic angle. But, what if Hollywood decides what you watch, when you watch it and how many times? If it (…)

  • A group of Dutch youngsters investigated the word ’allochthonous’ in video’s uploaded in this vlog.
    De Taalpolitie (The Language Police) is a project by Constant member Peter Westenberg developed for the exhibition Satellite of Love. The format is a vlog (video weblog) about the word (…)

  • April
  • Sciencefiction can be a laboratory for experiments imagining time, space, societal and affectionate relations between human beings. Through SF we can read the present as the past tense of the future or as the future of the past. Reading SF literature is a creative action; you create an imaginary (…)

  • Sciencefiction permits us to approach science as an experimental playground. Can we consider tinkering with gender, race and lifeforms as a symbol for our own longings? Do we dare to accept the challenge to be different and multiple, somewhere between ’science’ and ’fiction’?
    Lectures (…)

  • Stitch and Split situates itself here and now: the beginning of the 21st century, in Antwerp. We go out to discover the Antwerp opinions about the future. Also, what lessons can reality learn from speculative urbanism? And can we use a modernistic compass when we navigate through cyberspace? (…)

  • May
  • This print party is organised in the framework of the research project Tomorrow’s Book. Ad hoc publications where produced while using Open Source Software.
    Constant member Harrisson, researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie, synthesizes the Tomorrow’s Book as follows: "Books are coded (…)

  • June
  • From document to publication: the trajectory of a text up to its printing, and this by the sole means of open source software. Participants to Digitales discover the programs and are invited to experiment along with the designers.
    During this Printing Party a booklet is being produced: (…)

  • Passeer Pas Par LÁ proposed a walk through the neighbourhood Scheut in
    Anderlecht. We looked at local re-appropriation of disfunctional
    spaces, self chosen trajectories and gardens throughout the centuries.

  • July
  • It is possible to make and print a complete publication by the sole means of open source software. Harrisson and Femke Snelting give a presentation and performatively enlarge the 19 steps necessary to attain this end result.
    Kate Rich (Bureau of Inverse Technologies) mixed Open Cola (…)

  • Regulating Impulses was an experimental site-specific walk along the General Police Regulations of
    Brussels’ neighborhood Ixelles. In this walk we mirrored movements and
    actions from the official regulations, describing how to use public
    Wearing low-tech attachments, DIY (…)