February 2003 - January 2004

  • May
  • Workshop - seminar on the notion of empowerment, in the framework of the postgraduate in art-media-design in Sint-Lukas Hogeschool, Brussels
    The idea of empowerment refers to the possibility for ’users’, ’audience’ to work with the creations of artists and add a new dynamic to it. Instead of (…)

  • October
  • Digital Work was both a conference and a workshop organised by the Piet Zwart Institut in Rotterdam. Constant was invited to join the workshop and Laurence Rassel gave a lecture in the panel settled in V2.

  • November
  • Which images do media, companies, histories produce on us?

  • Content-textile workshop with a feminist-design-art Dutch group, De Geuzen, in the textile department at La Cambre, fine arts school

  • Multidisciplinary situated festival on technologies and art and media, technologies and ethics