Erkki Kurenniemi an online archive

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Newton Diaries
2012-11-28 14:26:42
In 1993, Apple released the Newton MessagePad, the first so-called “Personal Digital Assistant”. A kind of forerunner to today’s smart/i phones, the device worked as a kind of virtual notepad, (…)
Annotated Interviews
2012-09-05 11:23:30
Two annotated interviews with Perttu Rastas, of the Finnish Archive, and Kati, Kurenniemi’s wife and long-time partner. Apologies for the partial / spotty transcriptions.
A life template
2012-07-03 13:59:56
At its most basic level, a template (1670, originally templet, ‘little temple’, the form changed in 1844, probably influenced by plate ) looks like this: Dear XXXX, By sending you this letter, I (…)
False positive
2012-06-08 17:32:48
When doing face recognition, the classifier that we use, the Haar classifier first proposed by Paul Viola and improved by Rainer Lienhart, executes a series of tests on the image. As we have seen (…)
New address
2012-06-06 10:37:40
The project is now hosted at Please update your bookmarks and see you there.
Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
2012-05-31 16:13:05
(*********************************************************************** Mathematica-Compatible Notebook This notebook can be used on any computer system with Mathematica 4.0, MathReader 4.0, or (…)
2012-05-30 17:21:56
Linux includes a command called time, which rather than reporting the current time (that's "date"), is a kind of meta command that can be used to measure the resource usage of the execution of (…)
2012-05-30 17:21:56
Linux includes a command called time, which rather than reporting the current time (that’s “date”), is a kind of meta command that can be used to measure the resource usage of the execution of (…)
Een archief is een organisch geheel
2012-05-30 14:44:24
An archive is an organic whole In de vorige paragraaf is uiteengezet hoe een archief ontstaat ten gevolge van de werkzaamheden van een college of een ambtenaar, hoe het archief altijd de neerslag (…)
Data entry as work
2012-05-30 14:36:09
No matter how good the scheme, its scope is limited by the fact that data entry is never an easy task, and there are never enough resources or trained personnel to make it happen. Not only will (…)
Disk Usage Treemap
2012-05-30 12:58:47
The Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer (aka baobab) tool provides a means of graphically representing the contents and relative sizes of files on a hard drive. In this case the visualisation is a Treemap.
Oh, human fart
2012-05-30 12:32:28
Quotes from an article written for Framework: The Finnish Art Review.  From leaving the body to leaving the earth (first sentence and last paragraph of the article). Man is a machine. A machine (…)
The blind leading the blind
2012-05-25 14:24:23
With privacy law, copyright, one can only look at an archive blindfolded. Before tedious negotiations take place, images, sounds, videos of the archive cannot be published. They still can remain (…)
An average image
2012-05-24 18:29:39
Following the definition found in this page, an average image is an image that gives equal weight to each of the component images, combining them to make a whole. Given a folder of the (…)
2012-05-22 16:14:11
du -h (disk usage, with "human" option) is a very basic and common tool for interrogation of the data stored on a hard drive. It simply dumps a list of the names of files and folders, with the (…)
Screenshots of the day
2012-05-17 18:27:03
a rough interface for the database, rather a rough index, a utility for the scheduler (more on this later). Trying to figure out the whole system …