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WORK IN PROGRESS : a tool for sharing literature and digital narratives

Anaïs Berck
2020-02-27 12:25:00
In maart 2019 ontving ik een Onderzoeksgerichte Beurs van de Vlaamse Overheid. Een jaar lang kreeg ik tijd en middelen om me nog verder te verdiepen in het concept van de Algoliteraire Vertellers. (…)
Naive Bayes raconte
2019-04-20 13:18:45
La Gaité Lyrique accueille cette lecture-performance le 20 avril à 15h. An Mertens expérimente des formes qui dévoilent la personnalité des algorithmes. Pour cette nouvelle création, elle se (…)
Data Workers
2019-03-21 08:27:21
Algoliterary Game : Naive Bayes
2018-10-17 20:55:35
The 1st edition of this algoliterary game was developed for the workshop ‘Machine Learning Tools for Literary Creation’, that took place in Mundaneum from 8 till 12 October 2018. It was a (…)
2018-07-10 20:29:06
A lot of the ideas on algoliterary creation present here come from the rich exchanges during the monthly meetings of Algolit in Brussels. These meetings are open to anyone. Algolit is a project of (…)
The Algoliterator
2018-06-01 21:06:59
The Algoliterator is an installation by Gijs De Heij & An Mertens, Algolit, Constant. It was shown in the framework of Public Domain Day 2018 in the public library in Muntpunt, Brussels. The (…)
2018-04-17 20:22:52
Dit is een informeel schrijven over Algologs, een publiek programma dat plaatsvond in Varia in Rotterdam op 16 en 17 maart 2018. Het werd georganiseerd door kunstenaars en ontwerpers Manetta (…)
Linear Regression – a forest game
2018-01-31 19:16:53
The forest lends itself as a metaphor for talking about big data. We are interested in the forest because of the amount of trees there are. We enjoy their view, their rustling, the multitude of (…)
The story of two sacred trees – a modern fairy tale
2017-03-28 14:38:42
This story has been written using a Python script and scraped data from the website of Jubelparkmuseum. The story, the code and all the sources are published under a Free Art License: (…)
A story from the Algorithmic Forest
2016-03-04 11:50:52
This image gives an overview of existing techniques for text analysis. By drawing them as a forest, it becomes clear how their application resembles the ecological succession of a forest. In the (…)