PRIMITIVES | an adventurous search for the view of the ’Other’

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the birth of the Troubled Archives collective was largely explained in this article
2024-01-11 13:11:47
Troubled Archives. The story of how an individual artistic research into archives becomes a collective and at times community driven project.
The Recognition Machine in Joanna Zylinska’s new book The Perception Machine: Our Photographic Future between the Eye and AI
2024-01-11 13:08:53
here, you will find a link to download the PDF for free: The Recognition Machine is treated between pp (…)
The Recognition Machine @ Cinema Nova
2024-01-11 11:21:55
The Recognition Machine has been a welcome guest in the huge corridor of Brussels’ cultural gem Cinema Nova.In the age of facial recognition, here’s a machine that questions some of our (…)
retrieving history. many posts in januari 2024
2024-01-11 10:34:56
things can go wrong with a blog. this blog lost its posts from between 2019 and 2024. we quickly try to put some highlights back up here.
New Hero(ïn)es @ studio Silvano Magnone
2024-01-11 10:28:01
The project New Hero(ïn)es kicks off with a day of mutual portrait photography and conversation between the members of the Troubled Archives collective. We apply the 19th Century collodion (…)
retrieving history. the birth of the Troubled Archives collective
2024-01-10 23:05:49
2019 the NOISY IMAGES exhibition at the Rautenstrauch-Joest museum in Cologne with Photoszene Köln video of the installations NOISY IMAGES and The Recognition Machine (with ICV – Michael Murtaugh) (…)
Hand to eye
2021-06-30 18:06:29
a dialogue Says the hand to the eye: look here, I am holding a friend, holding my child, I am holding on to my charm, to the clothing they asked me to take off, to the sword they gave me. I am (…)
Troubled Archives participates in Everything passes except the past in Turin
2020-09-21 19:25:53
EVERYTHING PASSES EXCEPT THE PAST | TUTTA PASSA TRANNE IL PASSATO: Which role takes photography in a culture of memory? What are the ethical implications for the use of colonial images and (…)
Troubled Archives collective about their collaborations path
2020-09-21 19:04:40
Troubled Archives The story of how an individual artistic research into archives becomes a collective and at times community driven project Troubled Archives is a collective name for the (…)
Troubled Archives collective
2020-09-21 18:51:29
The Troubled Archives collective is selected for the Dakar Biënnal I ndaffa 2020. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, the Biënnal is postponed to a later date.
Expo in Cologne
2019-08-16 21:12:18
The NOISY IMAGES expo I made with Rokia Bamba and SICV (Michael Murtaugh and Nicolas Malevé) and the help of many others* is now over and packed. Photoszene photographer and videast Silviu Guiman (…)
Felwine Sarr and the Brussels’ Muntpunt library
2019-08-15 15:55:17
I was so lucky to be invited to the Museum Collections in Motion conference in Cologne last month. It was incredibly interesting to witness the confrontation between the discourse of (some) (…)
Vitrine#5 : Deconstructing by nature (entrance installation Köln)
2019-05-24 15:32:52
In preparation of the work Vitrine#5 : Deconstructing by nature, Loes and I went out into the sun to get some Rhein wasser that will help us deconstruct some colonial images. The images I (…)
Vitrine#5 : Deconstructing by nature (entrance installation Köln)
2019-05-24 13:32:52
In preparation of the work Vitrine#5 : Deconstructing by nature, Loes and I went out into the sun to get some Rhein wasser that will help us deconstruct some colonial images. The images I (…)
2019-04-30 19:59:26
NOISY IMAGES in Köln 5/5 – 16/6 The exhibition NOISY IMAGES investigates the mechanisms of colonial photography with four installations that result from Antje Van Wichelens research on colonial (…)
2019-04-30 17:59:26
NOISY IMAGES in Köln 5/5 – 16/6 The exhibition NOISY IMAGES investigates the mechanisms of colonial photography with four installations that result from Antje Van Wichelens research on colonial (…)