May 2024 - April 2025

  • April
  • Opening: Friday 12-04-2024 18:00 -> 00:00
    This installation participates at the open doors weekends of Parcours d’Artistes Saint-Gilles 2024
    Declarations is an ongoing artistic research project that looks into the poetic materiality of the CSS web-language. The project is initiated by (…)

  • May
  • Visit our studio during the Open Studio Days!
    Revisit Reuse (developed by Femke Snelting and Eva Weinmayr, designed with Flo*Souad Benaddis) is a space full of questions and provocations about Free Culture and Open Access. How to deal with cultural appropriation, power differentials and the (…)

  • Our colleague Michael Murtaugh participates at the Libre Graphics Meeting that takes place in Rennes, France, from 9 to 11 May 2024.
    As a teacher of a media design course in an art school (Experimental Publishing, or XPUB in Rotterdam), he teaches and uses with students a mix of free software (…)

  • Since 1999, in the majority of Flemish municipalities and throughout the Brussels-Capital Region, voters have had to use a voting computer in the polling booth. Despite the cost, the lack of transparency, the bugs and incidents at each election... you will vote twice in 2024 with this system. (…)

  • We are delighted to invite you to the book launch of specXcraft’s collective publication (EN/FR): Speculative crafting for un/common futures in Brussels | Fabriquer collectivement d’im/possibles futurs pour Bruxelles
    This is a polyphonic account in words and images of the work that four (…)

  • June
  • This workshop consists of further speculating and creating more prototypes for on and off buttons, customized for your body and connecting them to electronic devices. What kind of button would your brain, neurodiverse or otherwise, like to have made? What gesture does your hand/other body part (…)

  • Come and discover Nubo, get help setting up your smartphone, laptop or tablet and think about digital sustainability!
    Nubo is a Belgian cooperative offering online services that respect your privacy. Nubo’s services are open to everyone, whatever you want to use them for. Nubo is a mailbox and (…)

  • A clandestine cinema in the middle of an empty terrain, the mobile radio system in a demonstration, a market stand to digitise and exchange books, or a soundsystem in the middle of a pedestrian area... Many of the activities that take place to re-appropriate the city and to deviate public spaces (…)

  • On the last weekend of June, the students of the final year of the Experimental Publishing masters of the Piet Zwart Institute will set up their graduation show at Slash Gallery in Rotterdam.
    In parallel to the graduation show, the first year XPUBbers will guide visitors into a counter-tour of (…)

  • July
  • The Website fabulations encounter explores website modifications as a way of taking agency on already designed websites. Inspired by the notion of ’tactical design’ (cf Nolwenn Maudet), we remix the web as a user-hacker, questioning our agency as individuals and collectivities on the web. (…)

    ▩ INTRODUCTION In the context of Constant’s 1-year research on accessibility, titled "A cane, Sticky-notes, (…)

  • “” ​ During our upcoming ConfusingTechySituations, we will delve into the final chapters of Antony Loewenstein’s *The Palestine Laboratory*, focusing on Mass Surveillance and Social Media. Loewenstein examines how Israel has leveraged its "expertise" from testing on the Palestinian population to (…)