Worksession ·

Collective Conditions

Collective Conditions was a worksession on the conditions for/of collectivity and collaboration that took place from 8 until 16 November 2019 in Ateliers Mommen in Brussels. It was organised in the framework of the European project Iterations.

Artists, software developers, theorists, activists and others experimented with the generative potential of codes of conduct, bugreports, licenses and complaints. They thought of such performative documents as platforms to experiment with the conditions for complex collectivity in troubling times.

Image: TransHackFeminist Agreement

Related events

Collective Conditions @ Code & Context

Elodie and Femke present and discuss Collective Conditions with students of Code & Context, an interdisciplinary Bachelor programme at the Technische Hochschule in Cologne, Germany.

Collective Conditions Reader (update)

This reader is an evolving companion to Collective Conditions, a worksession held in November 2019 in Brussels. Whether you prefer to read, watch or listen, this compilation offers different lines (…)

Collaboration Guidelines: An Update

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Warp: Collective Conditions

This Warp* documents the worksession Collective Conditions, a temporary research residency organised by Constant in collaboration with Ateliers Mommen, a place for artists to live and work. (…)

Collective Conditions: Brunch

At the last day of this collective residence in Ateliers Mommen, participants would like to share and discuss the ideas, observations and prototypes that emerged over the week. The Collective (…)

Collective Conditions: Opening

Join us for the festive opening of Collective Conditions, a worksession which experiments with the generative potential of socio-technical protocols such as codes of conduct, complaints (…)

Call for participants: Collective Conditions

Collective Conditions is a worksession which experiments with the generative potential of codes of conduct, complaints procedures, bug reports and copyleft licenses. We understand these (…)