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Projects, experiments and websites from 2003 and before.

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Hard Copy // Soft Memory

Rapidly and increasingly evolving digital media are undermining the traditional models of cultural transfer and the traditional definition of authorship. Applied to genetics, these DISCOVERIES in (…)

Hard Copy // Soft Memory

Les développements toujours accélérés des médiums digitaux mettent à mal les modèles traditionnels de TRANSMISSION de la culture et la définition de l’auteur.Les mêmes DÉCOUVERTES de la théorie de (…)

De Party

Thanks to en ’agent’ Walker, THE PARTY has created a site that will help a virtual community become more open to thought and resistance. Here are some choice (…)


Roseware: collective work-in-progress, endless CD-ROM With Roseware, Chris Marker realizes the wish that ’every spectator/reader gradually substitutes my images for theirs and that my imperfect (…)

The Flesh Machine

Critical Art Ensemble (CAE): The Flesh Machine. Lecture, installation and performance organised by Constant and De Beursschouwburg.

Chris Marker

"Silent Movie", video installation by Chris Marker Selected Memories, film, video, cd-rom and videolibrary Sans Soleil, Chris Marker "Curieusement, ce n’est pas le passé immédiat qui nous (…)


A live event including sounds, film, video, spoken word, websites, software programs and snacks demonstrating and encouraging the use of Gilles Deleuze’s & Felix Guattari’s visionary book of (…)


Une soirée de sortie placée sous le signe d’un livre? Philosophique de surcroît? Non, trop difficile. Trop conceptuel. A moins que... le livre ne s’intitule Mille Plateaux et que ses auteurs, les (…)