LOOP #14

Recyclart opens its doors for a series of ultrashort presentations on the experimental artwork created in the F/LOSS Arts Studio of Variable in Schaarbeek. An opportunity to meet the artists, designers, their work and their technologies.

On the program:
 Claire Williams & Wendy Van Wynsberghe with a "knitted conductive collaborative interaction": electronics meets textile, software and knitting machines,
 Peter Westenberg shows ’Spreekt U Sint-Gillis’, a participative artistic audioproject,
 Open Source Publishing reports on some of their graphical adventures
 Julien Deswaef shows his work ’loveMachine’,
 Olivier Meunier and the Pure Data Patching Circle show how to program sound and image with Pure Data,
 the Open Sound Lab presents het audio software workshops for the creation of rhytmic sound structures.
 Femke Snelting & An Mertens present the Public Domain Day publication, The Death of the Authors, edition 1942.

Special guest is the German designer Christoph Haag, master in generative animations and typography. He is currently in residency in Variable.

@ Recyclart

Station Brussel-Kapellekerk / Gare Bruxelles-Chapelle
rue des Ursulinesstraat 25
1000 Bruxxel