Honey stories

Screening & discussion on honey & bees in the area, in presence of the filmmaker and previous occupant of the shop, Christina Stadlbauer.

Between September and October 2010, 7 kg of honey - harvested by a colony of urban bees located in Rue Gallait 80 - were exchanged for stories of bees and honey in the HoneyShop. This honey - Le Schaerbeekois - contains the taste of Brussels and reflects the multi-floral variety offered in the parks, gardens and balconies of Schaerbeek, where these bees are living. The wonderful stories collected in the HoneyShop represent the multicultural variety of the visitors who came to trade their stories for honey.
The visits at the HoneyShop were recorded and the resulting 15 min movie is now being returned to the visitors. On Saturday, 30th of April 2011, from 11:00 to 18:00, the movie will be screened in the window of the shop at Rue Gallait 178.
The HoneyShop is a project of Christina Stadlbauer, realized in the neighborhood of Schaerbeek and supported by nadine vzw and the nadine shop residency programme.

Contact : asbl Constant vzw - Clémentine - 0497 70 29 77 - clementine@constantvzw.org www.lalangueschaerbeekoise.be & http://activearchives.org/schaarbeeksetaal/

@ Woordenwinkel / Magasin de mots

Rue Gallait straat 178, 1030 Schaerbeek