Collision 1: Badness and Conflict

If we consider typographic and cartographic objects as "spatial arrangement of texts and other graphical elements", than their design is essentially the work of organising collisions. In a conventional design practice, many systems are at work to prevent accidents from happening. Tension is deflated through erasure, simplification and filtering. What would be ways to articulate collisions, instead of avoiding them?

The first workshop in this series is inspired by particular practices of ’conflict’ and ’badness’. We have invited participants and international guests with backgrounds in typography, architecture, cartography, art, collaborative writing, software development and activism. Through a mix of games, exercises, prototyping and project presentations, combining computational and physical actions, we will explore the potential of collision.

With contributions from: OSP (BE), The Libre Graphics Research Unit (INT), Lafkon (DE), The People Speak (UK), La Cambre Architecture (BE), Sint Lucas Brussels (BE), Open Streetmap (INT) and others!

Participation is free but you need to sign up by sending an e-mail to (maximum 20 participants)

The Collision-workshops are an initiative of Pierre Huyghebaert in the context of the Libre Graphics Research Unit. Made possible with support from the Flemish Community.

@ Rue Gallaitstraat 80, Brussels