Are You Being Served?

The fourtheenth edition of Verbindingen/Jonctions is dedicated to a feminist review of mesh- cloud- autonomous- and D.I.Y. servers. Welcome to four intense meetingdays mixing lectures, screenings, performances, discussions and workshops.

To stay connected across multiple devices, we have come to expect unlimited access, provided by companies that traffic large amounts of data as a result. The necessary infrastructure that is put in place effects our understanding of place, both virtually and physically and it has become increasingly difficult to be intimate with the technologies that we feel familiar with. We started to wonder about what would make current networking technologies into hospitable habitats for critique, as space for artists and solidarity, teaching and learning.

What does it mean to serve and to host? What should server technology of today be about? How to re-appropriate networks for creative experiment? How to invert, detour, parasite and deflate web 3.0 notions of ’service’?

Join fellow geek-artists, techno-fanatics, queer theoreticians and phone flashers and brainstorm with us! With amongst others: Reni Hofmueller, Domaine Public, BITNIK!, Maria Guggenbichler, Paul Otlet, Aymeric Mansoux, the Amazing Service Providing Robot and many others.


Thursday 12/12

14:00-19:00 Flash your smartphone in Recyclart

20:00-23:00 Are you being served? in Recyclart

Friday 13/12

10:00-18:00 Parallel networks in Constant Variable

19:00-23:00 Parallel networks in La Poissonnerie

Saturday 14/12

10:00-18:00 Great expectations in Constant Variable

20:00-23:00 Great expectations in w-o-l-k-e

Sunday 15/12

11:00-16:00 Masters and servants in w-o-l-k-e

@ Recyclart - Constant Variable - w-o-l-k-e - La Poissonnerie
