Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois ?

Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois? / Spreekt U Sint-Gillis? is an audio database composed of particular words hear in the neighbourhood Bosnie in Saint-Gilles, Brussels.

This project collected words, real or invented, that we use in our daily lives: these EXTRA-ORDINARY words overlapping in French and Dutch, these words we merge, hybridize, invent, "acronymise". All these audio recordings provide a sound portrait of this multicultural neighbourhood. Dialects, accents and words that have travelled with people of different backgrounds creates a rich and colourful language. Among the official languages slip new meanings.

Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois? / Spreekt U Sint-Gillis? was a project that took place under the Contrat de Quartier Durable Bosnie from 2013 to 2015.

As for its twin project La Langue Schaerbeekoise / De Schaarbeekse Taal, Constant organized during 3 years thematic meetings between local residents to collect particular words. All the words have been added to the sound dictionary on line. Each meeting was followed by a thematic radio show, broadcast on Radio Alma 101.9 FM and Radio Panik, 105.4 FM.

Besides the collection of words, professional and amateur artists were invited to "work with words" from the dictionary by hosting various activities (from walks to mapping, from sound installation to workshop with children, etc.).
The sound dictionary, the reflections generated during the meetings with artists and residents and the documentation of the different activities was collected in this book:

All the documentation mentioned above is available on the project website:

Clémentine Delahaut, Peter Westenberg

Vincent Matyn-Wallecan, Anna Raimondi, Manuel Calurano, Mustafa, Déborah, Thomas, Iouri, Estela, Araksan, Jorge, Ludo, Silvia, Rafaella Houlstan-Hasaerts, Laïa Sadurni, Otuscops asbl, Aurélie Charneux et Silvia Guerra (Odessalavie), An, Femke, Wendy (Constant), Lucie Castel, AECD asbl, Parcours asbl, Zoé Jadoul (CTV Médias), Lavoir Bosnilav, Codonnier Le Marteau Rouge, Pianos De Lil, Coiffeur Marnik, Ferronnerie Sénéchal et fils, Boulangerie Becue,Tatiana (Boteco’s), Julie, Hafida (Diamant Vert), Madame D., Élise, café Picos de Europa, Jérémie Boyard, Digital Carnaval, Colin Ponthot, the children of École des Quatre Saisons : Bouali Houdhayfa, Butean Natalia, Cherqui Nordine, Coppola Maya, Dailal Boulaich Nisrine, Dan Zeng Shu Ga Gyaltsen, Dardiki Abdellah, El Boudkhani Hossam, El Fakiri Imrane, Ferreira Guedes André, Ineza Faustine, José de Castro Katheleen, Marques Silva Kimberly, Merisan Ennio, Robson Pereira De Rezende Junior, Rodriguez Maia Mariana, Skiruk Eryk, Tenzin Yanchen and their teacher Frédérique Robert, Radio Panik, Radio Alma, Radio Qui ? Qui ?, CPAS Saint-Gilles, Nederlandstalige Bibliotheek Sint-Gillis, Centre Culturel Jacques Franck.

Supported by:
Région Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijke geweest, La Commune de Saint-Gilles / Gemeente Sint-Gillis, Saint-Gilles Villes des Mots

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