Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will present a chapter of her
Softwearables Trajectory during Gosie Vervloessem’s Domestic Science Club. She will move the focus from electricity in the body (…)
Dorkbot: Softwearables
Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will present her Softwearables trajectory during Dorkbot at iMAL. It will be a combination of softsensors, proximity and measurements.
ELLENTRIEK #12 : Ellentriek goes High Voltage - HI VOLTAGE! (New dates)
Ellentriek is a series of workshops where artists can come and work together on their own artistic electronics projects. We work with themes.
This Ellentriek has two threads happening (…)
Ellentriek #13: Audio special
Ellentriek is all about audio in November. We will learn how to build small own amplifiers and microphones, during two long Wednesday afternoons. With a soldering iron, a couple of components, (…)
Ellentriek #14: sew - measure - send - receive
Ellentriek is a series of workshops, often collaborative, where artists
can come and work together on their own artistic electronics projects,
made with open hardware.
This Ellentriek is about (…)
Ellentriek #15 meets Code, Arts & Crafts : Shielded - extend your Arduino
(CC BY-NC 2.0) Some rights reserved, image by _kzr
With an Arduino you can collect a lot of sensor data, from smelling gasses to measuring temperature or light and lots more. But how do you (…)
Ellentriek #17: Hack your knitting machine with Knitic!
Ellentriek goes textile: liberating knitting machines
In the eighties and nineties electronic knitting machines were readily available. But it was never a simple task to knit an image, a (…)
Ellentriek #2
Workshops D.I.Y. hardware & electricity
Ellentriek #3
Workshops on D.I.Y. hardware & electricity
Ellentriek #4
In this workshop you can propose your electrical artistic research
project. Participate to experiment and learn from each other and from
Jonas Nachtergaele, MarcOrakel, Dijf Sanders... (…)
Ellentriek #5
At the end of November, there is another Ellentriek session, this time in a slightly ’new’ format. Ellentriek this time is a gathering for Volt-artists-DIY-ers where the relationship between art (…)
Ellentriek #6
Open workshop – bring your own project and let’s make it work … together.
Ellentriek #8 workshop
Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a (…)
Ellentriek #9 Sensor me Sensor you
Are you currently working on an electronic tinkering project? Do you want
to discover all kinds of buttons, potentiometers, infrared detectors,
movement detectors, gassensors, coloursensors, (…)
Your copier, scanner or mobile phone is broken and your local thrift store has kindly referred you to the dump? Don’t worry, inside these machines you can find all kinds of treasure, such as (…)
Ellentriek in the parc
What are chips - no - not the ones you eat! How do you make a led burn?
Can you sew with electronics?
Come experiment with Ellentriek. Crocodile clamps don’t bite!
(We will work under 5 Volt - (…)
Kijk mama, regarde papa, look sis! Invitation CLOSING EVENT 17/12
The ever evolving exhibition organized by Pttl is about to end. Ellentriek
takes advantage of the festive atmosphere to present the Ellentrieken
valies, a travel trunk full of tools and (…)
Opening Zennestraat 17 rue de la Senne
Constant presents during the opening weekend of this temporarily shared space:
Room 2 - Take Away Archive
A retrospective of books, posters and flyers, published by Constant since 1997. A (…)
Przetwory 6: Media lab workshop
This weekend will be an introduction into textile and electronics. We will
look at the integration of sensors and soft buttons into sewn and knitted
projects. We will include a small (…)
Softwearables – Do(n’t) stand so close to me part 2
Wearable installation
How do we interact with each other – how do you deal with physical proximity? Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will set up a playful exercise in the Constant workspace, (…)
Workshop Ellentriek #7
Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a (…)
(a little step) Beyond prototyping
Ellentriek (Constant & Pianofabriek) meets Code, Arts & Crafts (iMAL) to propose an advanced level workshop on building Arduino-like constructions. A little step towards autonomy and (…)