Trames et Chaînes: collection été 2019

La trame et la chaîne sont des termes de tissage que Constant utilise pour tisser des histoires sur et entre différents projets. La trame fait référence aux fils tendus sur le métier à tisser. Sur ce site web, les trames collectent de la documentation sur des projets existants. La chaîne est le fil qui passe entre les fils de trame à l’aide d’une bobine. Les chaînes sont donc des histoires thématiques qui établissent des relations entre différents projets.

Selected warps

Networks with an attitude

The internet is dead, long live the internets! Fresh documentation of a worksession which took place in April, 2019


Notes and documentation from a worksession alluding to the relationships between algorithms, charisma, rhythm, alchemy and karma (2018).


Notes and documentation from a worksession that took place at the end of 2016, in preparation of its afterlife. For additional worksession warps, see here.

Objects and stories in the Mesoamerican room

Public Domain Day

For 6 consecutive years, Constant created a new work based on materials that had entered into the public domain, 70 years after the death of their author.


Digital documentation of Roseware, a project developed by Laurence Rassel and Chris Marker with Constant in 1998. (Ruby Water)

Wollen Sie mehr wissen? Roseware installed in Graz, Streirischer herbst festival (video and new media), October 1998

Selected wefts


From Affective Infrastructures to Awkward Inscriptions. (Jara Rocha)

Brussels {b̥ʁyˈsɛl}

Brussels just happens to be where the Constant offices are. Or does it? (Livia Cahn)


A weft that brings together projects, recipes and tastes and allows them to transform each other. (Günbike Erdemir)

Alejandra Maria Perez Nunez: El Curanto

Hybrid Languages

A collection of reflections and experiments by Constant that explore the endless possibilities of hybrid languages.