
Since the 2000s, Cyberfeminism has functioned at Constant as a toolbox for thinking possible relations to technology along a feminist perspective. It functioned as a focal point for activities between art, archive practices and reflections about work in a technological world, being creative, domestic or computer work. Cyberfeminism remains to be an ongoing point of reference for all projects at Constant, as an invitation to critically question, experiment and redefine relations to and with technology. Thinkers such as Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti and Karen Barad, and projects such as GenderChangers and Female Extension (Cornelia Solfrank) remain inspiring points of reference. The projects listed here are moments and contexts where Cyberfeminism is actively being (re)thought and put into practice.

Cyberfeminist working days (2002)

A meeting point between art, archive practices and thoughts about relationships to technology and about work in a technological world, being creative, domestic or computer work, always on the move, changing.

Qu’est-ce que le cyberféminisme ? (2003)

Interview with Laurence Rassel in Scumgrrrrls magazine

Digitales: Meeting Days on Feminism & Technology,1257.html

Following from the Cyberfeminist working days, Constant organised several editions of Digitales with Interface3 and other partners.

Samedies: Femmes et logiciels libres (since 2006),649.html

Samedies brought together a diverse group of women to learn about building, maintaining or understand a server.

Sadie Plant @ VJ10 (2007)

In 2007, ten years after her book Zeroes and Ones, Constant invited Sadie Plant as an embedded reporter

Are You Being Served?

The 14th edition of Verbindingen/Jonctions was dedicated to a feminist review of mesh- cloud- autonomous- and D.I.Y. servers.


Experiments at the contact zones of gender and technology.

Re-edition of the Cyberfeminist workbook

At the occasion of Donna Haraway visiting Brussels in March 2017, a facsimile edition of the bilingual (NL/FR) publication, edited by Constant in 2001.