Preparations: Conduite Collaborative

Materials for a worksession on the conditions for/of collectivity.

About this session

Codes of Conduct, Community Agreements, Commitments, Codes of Conflict, Community Health Files, …

TransHackFeminist Agreement

Le Reset portable charte in La Mutinerie, Paris
Varia, Rotterdam
Constant Networks with an Attitude, Antwerp

Support structures

Mothers and daughters lesbian bar: Menu A and B

![Julie Kern Donck, Core Values


Thomas Vailly, The collaborative Context - drawing (2011)

Scoring > new poetics > new politics

Re-iterations of common movements and positions

Revisited Open Content Licenses

Complaints, bugreports, open letters

Gaming Conduct

  • Fox D. Harrel, Grayscale (2019) “As a step toward this aim as it relates to sexism, we present our interactive narrative called Grayscale. The experience is intended to provoke players to reflect critically on sexism in the workplace, both overt & hostile and more subtle.Play Grayscale

Other materials for a reader/listener/viewer

Sarah Ahmed on the gap between statements of commitment and institutional practice:
“This ‘not translation’ is something we experience: it is a gap between symbolic commitment and lived reality. Commitments might even be made because they do not bring something about. I have used the term ‘non-performativity’ to describe this: how a commitment can be made to something as a way of not bringing something about”
