Title Last modified Revisions Authors
Ageing Companions 2020-12-06 52 6
Agile Sun Salutation 2021-12-09 172 1
AI (as-in) 2019-12-13 13 1
Alchorisma 2020-01-14 82 4
Algolit 2024-02-06 7623 13
Algorithms and Text 2020-12-02 4199 4
Authors of the Future 2021-06-22 2238 9
BAL * Note taker, note teller, list of possible fortunes 2021-09-17 3299 7
Bureaucracksy documentation 2022-03-25 4906 12
Collective Conditions reader + playlist 2021-06-24 2272 9
Collective Hospitality 2020-10-23 14051 15
Constant Collaboration Guidelines 2023-10-19 3728 14
Constant Galaxy 2023-02-12 574 2
Constant Radio 2020-07-10 1995 2
Constant Radio + TV 2019-12-13 3 1
Constant_V 2020-07-29 1849 6
Contaminated Bodies 2023-10-19 2138 3
Counter cartographies 2020-10-13 3212 6
Cyberfeminism 2020-07-22 26 3
Dear student, teacher, worker in an educational institution, 2022-05-12 3376 8
DiVersions 2020-01-16 227 5
Documentation: Collective Conditions 2020-10-11 6858 8
Down Dwars Dela #1 2023-03-07 12728 20
Eva Weinmayr * The power to name and frame 2021-06-16 944 6
Hackable devices 2019-06-14 2 0
How-to BigBlueButton 2021-06-24 997 3
Human/Machine 2020-01-19 697 1
Hybrid Languages 2019-12-05 725 2
IM * MARCRU: on readable records that invite writing 2021-06-18 1515 4
Iterations 2020-07-15 460 5
Libre Graphics 2020-07-09 14 2
Machine Research 2024-01-12 25 2
Networks with an attitude 2020-01-16 6022 13
Neutrality 2021-12-01 6685 5
No Final cut 2020-10-13 94 5
Objects in Common 2020-01-16 308 2
Pattern recognition 2020-10-27 836 3
Performing Software 2020-07-21 79 2
Positions on Free Culture 2021-06-24 232 3
Preparing: Collective Conditions 2020-10-08 2846 10
Promiscuous Pipelines 2021-09-10 270 1
Promiscuous Publishing 2022-04-09 3231 4
Public Domain Day 2020-10-02 1538 8
Roseware 2023-07-14 440 5
SAAC (Software as a Critique) 2019-12-07 13 1
Slippery knowledge 2020-12-23 4123 4
Social Writing 2020-07-28 148 2
sponge 2021-06-24 677 3
Surveillance update: some projects connected to camera surveillance. 2023-04-18 1280 7
TBD * Sharing No Title 2021-06-16 1603 5
Techno Galactic Software Observatory 2021-06-22 164 6
Techno-Cul-de-Sac 2024-07-11 5699 6
The Relearning Series 2024-06-14 1038 10
There is an elephant in the room 2021-09-17 946 3
Transmarcations 2020-03-30 571 5
Unbound Libraries documentation 2021-06-25 1065 10
Unbound Libraries: Index of materials 2021-06-24 2905 7
Uniform Resource Locator 2020-07-26 2565 3
Variable 2021-05-28 2470 8
Wefts and warps: collection summer 2019 2019-08-20 1293 3
Wefts and warps: collection winter 2020 2020-12-03 557 5
Wefts and warps: winter collection 2021 2021-11-30 1151 3
Worksessions 2023-05-18 1204 13