public sharing part2
[00:00 - 14:40] Different crops of PDFs: Gijs/Open Source Publishing [17:00 - 23:52] Complexifying relationship between ownership and cultural appropriation - short reading: Elodie - Trinh T. Minh-ha - Elsewhere, Within Here Immigration, Refuge.pdf [24:20 - 47:05] To Be Determined - I don't have a good title, but it's about spinelessness as opposed to not being bound to anything and collective load bearing in the absence of a spine and formations in lieu of order. In short: a short reading of collective voices, but maybe not as short as the previous one. [48:00 - 1:03:33] Femke (Constant) introducing a placeholder // F.A.C. [1:03:40 - 1:05:15] pad rebinding session, mash-up of leftovers and omissions, with live commentator-medium: 17 min