Deelnemers gezocht

Wanneer wordt een object gemeengoed? Wat betekent het om een object ’gemeenschappelijk’ te hebben?
Het ontwerpen en maken van objecten onder open licenties kan een groot aantal relaties creëren, reproduceren of blokkeren. Je geopolitieke situatie, de middelen die je ter beschikking hebt en je dagelijkse behoeftes beïnvloeden de verbindingen die dat ’dagelijkse, gewone’ object kan genereren. In deze hands-on werksessie willen we kijken naar deze aspecten van het creëren van digitale en fysieke objecten, in allerhande dagelijkse praktijken.

Over de Open Call
 Er zijn 2 extra plaatsen beschikbaar voor deze werksessie. Als je geïnteresseerd bent om deel te nemen in een team van interdisciplinaire en internationale deelnemers, stuur dan een korte motivatie naar wendy attt vóór vrijdag 19 februari 2016.
 De selectie wordt op dinsdag 23 februari 2016 meegedeeld.
 De werksessie start op maandag 7 maart en eindigt op zaterdagavond 12 maart. De bijeenkomst wordt georganiseerd door Constant in samenwerking met Medialab Prado en vindt plaats in Madrid, Spanje.
 Deelname is gratis. Constant en Medialab Prado voorzien onderdak en vegetarische lunch.
 Er is een bescheiden budget voor reiskosten.
 We verkiezen Vrije/Libre en Open Source Software, omdat we ons willen focussen op gereedschappen die uitnodigen om in dialoog te gaan met hun sociale en technologische karakter.

Meer over de werksessie
De voertaal van de werksessie is Engels, vandaar dat onderstaande tekst in het Engels is. Met dank voor je begrip.

The worksession is the final event in a series that started in 2015 with ’Funcionamientos: Objects in Common and Diverse Bodies’ followed by ’Grigri Pixel: makers y energía en urbes africanas’ and ’Interactivos? culturas materiales en la era digital’. The series ’Objetos Comunes’ wants to explore "other ways of doing" such as design for functional diversity, situated digital manufacturing in for example African cities. It takes making ordinary/common objects as a point of departure.

For this thematic programme we have invited makers and thinkers to look at the potential but also at the problems of sharing practices, processes of manufacturing and the documentation of physical objects. Taking both the permission to reproduce and the availability of source files as a given, there are still many questions to ask about the actual ’common-ness’ of digital objects and their potential physical life.

If we consider the life-cycle of ’Libre objects’, moving from digital files to physical presence and beyond, what networked practices do they make possible, and how do they create or hinder communities of use? How can ’Libre objects’ provide bridges between diverse experiences, realities, geographies and bodies? Can we consider objects not as fixed endpoints, but as potential startingpoints, and generate sustainable practices that deal with the geo-political consequences of (re)production?

’Objects in common’ is a meeting between all kinds of makers that work with and from specific physical spaces (fablabs, hackerspaces, ...), geographical locations (Belgium, Spain, France, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Morocco, ...) and methodologies. Each of these situations has consequences for the objects they produce and the communities they touch.

We will work around five areas that define material culture in the digital age and reflect on specific practices of commoning objects. Approaching the issues hands-on, participants are asked to reuse existing files, recipes and experiences in order to test out the specific characteristics of objects that function in the Libre ecology.

Mornings will be hands-on, working with files made by others, with existing materials and objects of choice. Afternoons will be dedicated to brainstorming and reflection on the different areas of work.

Invited experts will contribute with input for and comments on the prototypes in progress. The results are made available in a physical and digital repository that will be circulated internationally in hackerspaces and fablabs.

The worksession ’Objects in commons’ rounds off the long running ’Objetos Comunes’ programme. This session was initiated by Constant (Brussels, Belgium) in collaboration with Medialab Prado (Madrid, Spain). Developed in collaboration with Susana Moliner Delgado, Gri Gri and Afropixel.

Areas of work

 Repositories: sharing platforms, documentation (manuals, videos). Question the status of the platforms itself, and how it forms the object. Services vs selfhosting. Relations produced through/by specific platforms (licenses, terms of use ...); desired relations "” archipelago, p2p.

 Licenses: Is the current open content legal context enough? What about collective work? What about the transformation from digital to physical objects?

 Digital to physical: What is the influence of file-formats, vectors on material culture? What are it’s limitations, what transformations does it make possible?

 Resources: What relations do materials produce? How can we work with geopolitics, ecology, economy.

 Spaces: Fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces ... rules and regulations, barriers to access, ...